anyone used this bath house?

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pit bull mama
Jan 8, 2013
Marshfield, MA

is is good! of better for a hidey house?
I am getting two chins and want to make sure there is enough room. what do you guys use for multiple chins bathing at the same time?
You could use it for either. Usually with 2 chins, they will take turns or both try to fit at the same time.
I use a plastic dish pan from Walmart. It's Rubbermaid brand. Plenty of room and cheap. They dust and I pull it right away.
I have one of these and it's great as a dust bath. If the chins are determined, they will both get in there at the same time but ideally it's plenty of room for 1 chin to dust. Both of my violets take turns when they dust in it.


is is good! of better for a hidey house?
I am getting two chins and want to make sure there is enough room. what do you guys use for multiple chins bathing at the same time?
Does anyone know what the pots are called? I live in NC and the shipping prices to get them from Meanie hurt too much. I've been looking in this region but when I try to describe it ,people look at me like I'm nuts!
I have no idea what they are actually called, but I purchased mine from Hobby Lobby if that helps. They are around $20-$25, so keep an eye out for a pottery 50% off sale.
I got one of this and uses them for my girls to take their baths. I have three girls and usually two of them would go in there... even though I have three separate dust containers. silly girls :)
Hi Crysta! How's things down your way? Yeah I know I found a few at Hobby Lobby(remember l pm'd you to check your stores in Fla)! But now all I can find are the huge ones or the ones that look like old greecian pottery and my chins chew those.I really want some more just like the ones on Meanie's site but can't find any.Shipping costs are a killer on those things and I was hoping to find some a few hours from here:(
I want to say that some people have found them at dollar stores, but couldn't tell you which ones exactly.
I haven't been to Hobby Lobby in a really long time, so I don't know what they carry anymore. >.< I do remember you now asking me to keep an eye out though, so I will have to actually go and take a look for you. :p
These look great, and I would definitely use these for a dust bath, we use the ones that have the chinchilla ears at the top. Even with those I have seen three of my chins squeeze into one dust bath, it was funny.
I really want this house but I can't find it anywhere ;( I looked on that hobby lobby but don't see it:( can anyone tell me where to get one?