and Cancer strikes again

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Jan 31, 2009
santa barbara
I usually don't post in this section, but I really have no one else to turn to. I kinda just need to vent so my head doesn't explode...

A few months ago, my grandfather was told he has cancer. They found it where his throat meets his stomach. It was a really hard time for my whole family...he got the surgery (which was very risky) but was almost killed by the hospital twice. He was unplugged during a bed move in the middle of a shift switch and they never came back for him until my poor grandmother had to run all over Yale yelling for someone to help her husband who couldn't breath. Then a nurse came in and tried to give him a pill and a shot (the shot he had already gotten) and my grandmother told her that he couldn't swallow the pill or it'd kill him ( he just had part of his throat removed for God's sake!) and that he just had the shot. She fought with my grandmother about it, gave him the shot and then realized as she was literally fighting my grandma to give him the pill that she was in the wrong room. And the shoot she gave him made him have internal bleeding. The recovery months weren't easy to say the least, and he's finally better...

and then today we find out my grandmother has cancer in her lung and liver.

It's just not fair. These are the nicest most sincere people I've ever met in my entire life. They don't deserve this, especially twice! I feel like I've been drowning in cancer my whole other grandpa has caner in his lungs, I have cancer in my uterus and now both of my grandparents have to deal with this.

I know she has a huge battle against her, and I feel guilty for being angry. I should be supportive and strong for her. I should tell her everything will be okay and mean it like she did for me. But I can feel myself breaking every second a little more and more thinking about this.

Thanks for listening, I just needed to's hard feeling wrong and weak and small all at the same time...

sorry for the rant
I don't blame you a single bit for how you feel. One month ago today, I lost my beautiful sister Lisa, to triple negative breast cancer. She was the most beautiful, loving kind person I've ever known. She was the picture of perfect health, kept in shape, ate right, ran marathons and then get's breast cancer. And not hormone driven breast cancer, but a heinous form that small percentages of women get.
She battled her cancer for 8 years, the last three with her cancer returning every single August.

It's horrible and awful and you feel helpless against it because sometimes we are powerless against it.

I watched my once beautiful and thriving sister wither away to nothing. I promised her where she would go would be a far better place than here, and I do believe that. Still it's difficult to understand and accept why this thing has to happen.

I'm tired of so much money being spent on stupid things like sports figures, actors, actresses, singers. I'd like to see more money spent on research so that someday we have a cure for all cancers.

I'm sorry you're going through such times in your life--I wish there were words more appropriate than I'm sorry, but I know only too well that's all there really is to say. Know this though, I say it genuinely.
I've read every post of yours about your sister and I really appreciate you're words...nice to know someone can make it through a hard time, your strength makes me feel less weak for trying...

I don't blame you a single bit for how you feel. One month ago today, I lost my beautiful sister Lisa, to triple negative breast cancer. She was the most beautiful, loving kind person I've ever known. She was the picture of perfect health, kept in shape, ate right, ran marathons and then get's breast cancer. And not hormone driven breast cancer, but a heinous form that small percentages of women get.
She battled her cancer for 8 years, the last three with her cancer returning every single August.

It's horrible and awful and you feel helpless against it because sometimes we are powerless against it.

I watched my once beautiful and thriving sister wither away to nothing. I promised her where she would go would be a far better place than here, and I do believe that. Still it's difficult to understand and accept why this thing has to happen.

I'm tired of so much money being spent on stupid things like sports figures, actors, actresses, singers. I'd like to see more money spent on research so that someday we have a cure for all cancers.

I'm sorry you're going through such times in your life--I wish there were words more appropriate than I'm sorry, but I know only too well that's all there really is to say. Know this though, I say it genuinely.
Allison (I think that's your name)
I am sorry too, you especially are too young, you shouldn't have to be dealing with it. I am here for you anytime you need a friend.
Allison (I think that's your name)
I am sorry too, you especially are too young, you shouldn't have to be dealing with it. I am here for you anytime you need a friend.

thanks (and yes you got my name right...spelling and all)

it's nice to know that I at least have the forum to turn to :cry3:
Allison, we are here to help you get through this. I have said time and time again and I'll keep on saying it, we are a family. Whenever you feel crappy just give me a shout out!
I'm so sorry you are dealing with cancer in your loved ones. I am particularly sorry that stupid nurse doesn't check wrist bands before she passes out meds. :banghead: Unfortunately anyone can get cancer, even wonderful people. I think it should only go to people who have inflicted horrific actions onto other people or animals. But I don't get to control the world. We are all here to support you every step of the way.
I'm so sorry. I watched my mom battle and lose bladder cancer after it spread to other parts of her body. If you have never watched someone struggle with cancer, you just have no idea the struggle and terror it puts into your soul. I totally understand the anger with cancer and the anger with hospitals, doctors etc. My mom was in the hospital for 5 weeks before she died. The stupid dr kept giving her hope and we never put her into hospice like we should of. She wasn't told it was all over until 2 days before her death. Uggggh...

Anyway...I want to say I totally understand. Please vent away if you need to. We are here for you. If you haven't already..maybe consider counseling (?). It has helped me tremendously. Take a deep breath, hug your grandma and let her know you will be there for here every step of the way.

Take care
You have my sympathy. I hope things get better for you. On my dad's side of the family we have colon cancer to worry about. My uncle and a cousin died from it. My sister was diagnosis I believe at the age of 43 and she has been in remission for 5 years.
I'm so sorry. That is a LOT to handle, especially at one time, and you have every right to feel the way you do. It's sooo hard to express genuine sympathy and concern over the internet, but we're all here for you, praying for your family and we'll all be here ANYTIME you need to rant!
I'm one of the first ones to tell you that cancer SUCKS, I just lost my grandpa last week after a 10 year battle with colon cancer that metatasized to various other parts of his body including his brain. It does always seem to strike the most caring, sincere people..I had never heard my grandfather cuss and I never heard him complain about his cancer, yet it still eventually took his life.

We're all here for you, you can PM me anytime you want to vent, because I have been in the front row spectator seat of watching someone go through their battle of cancer and I can totally relate.
thanks everyone...

She just got tests back this week showing that she is in stage 4 for the cancer in her lungs. She was told that if she doesn't do treatments for it she has 6-8 months and with treatment maybe a yr. My sister and I are trying to get the time off of work to go and see her next month...I've already gotten the time approved so we're just waiting on my sister.

I just don't know what to do with this. My grandfather just went through this but they live in CT and I'm in I heard about it but didn't have to watch. I feel so selfish thinking of how I'm going to deal with it instead of how I can be there for her. I'm just scared to watch her see her end before she can see it.

I'm just really scared...this will be the first grandparent that I've lost and it's just ripping me apart
Allison, I'm sorry. I wish I could say something good but I can't. Losing someone is horrible and your life is never quite as great as it once was. I guess the only thing I can say is having people to talk to is about the most help, and I'm not going anywhere. You can alway talk to me anytime. Theresa
Allison, I'm sorry. I wish I could say something good but I can't. Losing someone is horrible and your life is never quite as great as it once was. I guess the only thing I can say is having people to talk to is about the most help, and I'm not going anywhere. You can alway talk to me anytime. Theresa

I honestally started crying after reading this. The truth is I don't want or need sweet words to make this's nice to have someone tell you the truth and I really appreciated your words...

thanks for that...
I'm so sorry. To watch cancer take someone you love is about the worst thing you can go through. There's many people here who have been through it first hand and will listen or talk, or whatever you're needing.

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