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Aneesa's Muse

...I still haven't figured that part out yet. LOL

I went to get bugs for some of my lizard "kids" that have decided it's Spring already ...and my friend at the shop slyly pointed out the very VERY preggo female bRat in one of the cages ...I mean, laying on her back.. babies visibly kicking the crap out of her ...preggo!

So ..she went into labor IN THE CAR!!! My quarantine person wasn't home ..nor does he know how to midwife a bRat... so she's as far away from the main population as I could get her without freezing her out... and she's got a nest full of brand new bubs!

And if she and her kidlets weren't enough to boost the Zoo numbers here.. I brought home the little chunker Black Bear hamster that was dumped for being nippy, as well. (Please do not buy a hamster if you do not want to get bit at some point in yours or its lifetime.. really... they are notorious for biting!)

Anyhoo... pics to come. Letting the new mommy settle in ...and trying to let the cute little fuzzbutt (hamster) settle in before I check gender and see if it's really a biter or just afraid of the big ol' nekkid giant. :winkers:
Lol. Isn't it funny how animals have a 6th sense about who to appear in front of? Just before I stopped doing humane society rescue work, we got a phone call from a fellow volunteer. "This dog walked out in front of my van. I almost hit her, the dumb (expletive deleted). Anyway, she's really pregnant. She's dripping milk on my seats, she's so pregnant. But my deaf Great Dane doesn't want her in the house. Do you have room?"

Cue a 12 week Odyssey that involved 3 days of sleeping under the dog because Mama cried when we left her alone, then jumped the gate and climbed into bed with me once I'd gone to sleep; a surprise C-section+spay when labor didn't progress well; 9 drugged out sleepy puppies put in front of an air conditioning vent b/c the vet's office septic tank backed up and they had no other dry floor to put them; and a completely destroyed wooden futon when The 9 started teething. I was exhausted; it was a blast, but I'm *NEVER* going to own a puppy under a year old. EVER!!!!

Good luck with MamaRat and the Ratlings.
It is curious how they seem to just know.. :)

We have a tentative bub count this morning.. I saw 14, but I could have missed one or counted someone twice. Mommy was a little nervous aggression.. about my presence, so it was a quick peek.

Everyone has full milk bellies, but they are really small for bRat pups ...and Katherine (mommy) is super skinny now, so I'm working on that. She had chicken last night ..and I just gave her some baby cereal with strawberry Boost. She's getting Innova kibble with her staple lab blocks, too. With my gang, I've come up with quite a few nummy bRat recipes she'll get plenty of extras throughout the day! :winkers:
Ok, this is probably a stupid question... but is bRat short for something, or do you just think rats are brats? :confused:
Awww..... rats are such sweeties.. I miss having them.... except I don't miss those too-short life spans :(

Can't wait to see pics!!!