After two mornings of agitation, I found out...

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Diva Chins

How my girls are escaping. Yesterday morning I woke up to the sound of pitter patter, gnawing, and skittering across hardwood floor. Immediately I leap up, get all in a tizzy and look in the cage. Empty. Ohhhh boy. I finally managed to hunt them down after a good 15 minute struggle. Everything was good, they acted fine, normal water/food/hay intake, etc.
This morning, I wake up to the same noises, only this time I look on the floor. Apparently one of them decided "Hey, who cares that she gave us a dust bath yesterday? The container is right there, why not?" and pried the lid off of the dust bath container and hopped on in! Slung dust over EVERYTHING. So while I'm cursing from stubbing my toe and trying to look for the girls, I suddenly start hearing "Dog the Bounty Hunter" song playing in my head, which made me laugh. I sure did feel like a chin hunter. Well, anyways. I found them, put them back in their cage and started watching them.
I knew I hadn't left any latches undone on their cage, I also knew it was shut completely when I woke up and they were missing. Guess what the lil devils were doing...
It's a cage that was built by their last owner, and apparently, one would push on the doors while the other would slip through a crack between the doors and the frame. Genius huh? So now I've decided since the FN cage I'm going to be getting has two of the level thingies, I'm going to block off one and use the top one for the girls, bottom one for Bubbles after the girls' quarantine is up (Here soon, it'll be up by the time I go get the cage next weekend). I guess I could sell their cage to a cat owner or some kind of larger animal owner who has the time to fix it, but for now I'm taking a small slit of cardboard and jamming it between the doors and the frames to keep it jammed TIGHT. Sneaky little boogers. And to think, I'd have never known if they hadn't done it right infront of me.
I think that's absolutely hilarious that they were helping one another escape! Haha, that's so clever. They can be so naughty, but so smart at the same time. :D
I think that's absolutely hilarious that they were helping one another escape! Haha, that's so clever. They can be so naughty, but so smart at the same time. :D

They won't be escaping once I get that awesome decked out FN cage teehees. I think they'll be angry with me.
Oh man, I love how they always manage to outsmart us... too funny!
Wow they are crafty! Glad they didn't get into too much trouble when they escaped and you figured out how they were doing it.
Hey you guys, great news.
The cardboard trick worked.
I have awoken to critters still in the cage muahaha!
For once in my life, I have outsmarted a chin.
Ya better knock on wood ;)

Oh snap you're right. The cardboard trick has to do me until next Sunday when I go pick up the cage haha. I just knocked on my headboard. Whew, I need to get woken up. I can't take a shower because my dad is going a-wall and rennovating everything...
They got out again -.-;; I took the cardboard out for just a minute so I could take their hay ball out, then I went to get a drink and saw something white dissapear under my bed. OH MAN I was mad.
Well, I got them back in and made sure the cardboard piece was back. I'm definitely getting that FN cage no matter what.