Adopting an older (10+) chin?

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2011
Do breeders ever adopt out older males? I do understand that males can breed well into their old age but I'm sure there are issues sometime where they can't or shouldn't be bred anymore right?

I'm kind of purposely looking for a male chin already in their teens and I was wondering how probable my search was.
I am in northern California. I'm not trying to advertise that I'm looking for a chin though. I am in no hurry, just trying to understand what my chances are.
Well, if I had an older chin that I might adopt out(which I don't) I would really want to get to know that person, and see what they know about chins, give them time and resources to learn more and determine how commited they are. Going to chin shows is a great way to learn and meet people. An older chin may not handle being homed and re-homed as well as a younger one so finding a good fit is very important
I'm sorry but you kind of lost me. Are you asking me to describe myself? I'm not expecting anyone to just hand me a chin. I hope that the reputable breeder will drill me on my qualifications. What does that have to do with the availability of older chins though? I could be the best chin owner in the world but if there is never any older male chins available I'm still out of luck.
Squeaker I am sure you should easily find some older animals that are retired to good homes. I've rehomed older animals, and not as old as your looking for (teens) but nearing 10 years old. There are a few breeders in California.
I'm sorry, Of course there are older male chins out there in rescues, breeders and classified ads. I guess I was making suggestions to find a breeder or rescue in your area to GET an older male chin. When all you were asking is how probable was it to find one up for adoption. I would say in a lot cases you will not find them advertised and on web sites.....but if you post here in the chins wanted section and ask around you may find one
Yanno, I just reread my response it sounds kind of mean so I apologize, I didn't intend any rudeness I just got completely lost (I swear my mother dropped me on the head as a baby lol)

Ah gotcha, thank you I understand now. I guess my best bet is to ask around (and go to the chin show come January).
I have adopted out a retired female breeder before who was 11 to a pet home. If I had a male who just wasn't producing anymore, then I would make him available too. I just haven't had that happen yet. I tend to have lots of adult males though throughout and after the show season, although they are not senior chins... just full-grown, generally 2 yrs at the max.
As a rescuer foster home I would be interested with knowing why you specifically wanted a 10+ year old male chin.

If it was to replace a chin you had that died I would counsel you that no new chin, no matter how cute could ever replace the one you lost.

If it was because you think older chins are calmer and males even more friendly than females, I would invite you over to my house to meet Peanut-a sixteen year old boy who is a rotten trouble maker(a very dear to us rotten trouble maker, lol).

If you are just wanting a chin in your life, I would have you come and meet all the fuzzies and caution you to not limit yourself on a certain age or sex. You might find the dust butt of your dreams to be a young female or something equally surprising like a tripod.
If you really want to know feel free to pm me. Im not comfortable posting it on a public forum for google to cache :)