Adopting 3 year old Chins and bonding.

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Dec 17, 2014
Nelson B.C.
I am adopting two three year old male chinchillas next week. The person i'm getting them from wanted to re-home them because his daughter no longer gives them the attention they need and deserve. He said that they did get handled on a daily basis previously, but in the last six months not so much, and they are now standoffish, but could be trained as they are still young. My concern is, will they bond with me eventually, even though i have not had them as babies? Anyone else have experience or advice in adopting older Chinchillas?
Yes, you can still build a bond with them! Many chins are rescued, even at a much older age, and still become tame and bond with their new owner. It may take time, but the chins will get used to you as you care for them. Overtime they will learn to trust you. You'll just have to be kind, patient, and rewarding. :)
Most of the chins I've had have been adults when I got them, my current two boys were 3 when I bought them. It really depends more on personality, and previous experience, then on age. So long as they were only ignored not mistreated then it shouldn't take too long for them to come around. If they were friendly with handling before I'd figure a week to settle in and about a month or less before expecting to start seeing results. I got lucky with mine, they were fine with me from day one, and even had them out to play the night I got them without issue.
my first chin was an adult rescue. He started absolutely paranoid and stressed out. Now of my five chins, he is the most clam and loving little guy! It jsut takes a lot of time and a nice calm environment.