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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
I have some people doing a study of teeth problems in chinchillas. One is a vet who does a lot of dental work on them already. They are looking for x-rays and any other info that may help them to learn more on this problem. They are studying ways to screen for the problem, possible causes of the problem and are trying some new procedures to try to prevent, cure or at least learn more on the issues. They have a lot of access to a lot of new technology and are willing to see what they can do for the chinchilla world on this issue so let’s see if we can help them out on it. If you have anything you think may help with this project send it my way and I will get it to them.
If I find anything in my files of photos I will send it to you. I have xrays of a female with pregnancy problems but good teeth. Would that be of any help? that one is on the computer.
What kind of info do you think might be useful? I had a chin who had malo whom the vets said was not bad at all and she would be fine after having her teeth filed. She never got better. We hand fed for as long as we felt she had a ok quality of life which was about 2 months. Many trips to the vet later they said there was nothing left to try. I could try and get copies of xrays or her file if that would/could help. I am soooooooo glad to see someone looking into it more. I appreciate that and will do what i can if i can. Let me know
Silverrose we already have that article but thank you. Kristy I can also get them from you at St. Louis if that works. ann1 if you get get anything on your animal thats the kind of stuff we are looking for. We may come up with some questions after reveiwing what we get. There just seems to be so much heartbreak with the amount of animals having this problem that I thought I would see if we could find any new answers to the problem.
How did you get these vets to do a study? I think it's just wonderful what could happen for chinchillas through something like this :high5:
I could also send copies of her pedigree if that may be useful too. I just don't want to bash the breeder is all as far as that part goes. Yeah there is a ton of heart break with malo and I would be more then willing to contact my vet and see if she can give me copies of her treatment/xrays. I am glad someone is trying to find some answers for these guys. They said my girl was not that bad and would be fine but that wasn't the case with her. She had her teeth trimmed and never recovered from it fully. Anyway if it might be of some use let me know where I would need to send. Thanks and good luck

Silverrose we already have that article but thank you. Kristy I can also get them from you at St. Louis if that works. ann1 if you get get anything on your animal thats the kind of stuff we are looking for. We may come up with some questions after reveiwing what we get. There just seems to be so much heartbreak with the amount of animals having this problem that I thought I would see if we could find any new answers to the problem.
Will results of this study be published in a scientific journal or is this just more of an investigative study which will be shared informally via the Internet?
Hey Randy, I have a skull of a chinchilla that had Malo, if I were to loan it to you could I get it back?, Or would it be better if i just took pictures?
Right now a lot depends on what we find out. If they come up with some new findings that are incrediblly new and/or effective I am sure one of them will publish it. In any case I intend to keep people informed of anything new by way of the chin organizations and the internet.

Nicole I can get it back to you if we could borrow it.
have them contact Dr. Wendy Beers in CA 510-526-2053 She works with the CAchins rescue and knows a LOT about chin teeth problems and how to treat and best of all she is VERY willing to help any vet with chin teeth problems So I am sure she would love to help with this study
Yeah Randy that is not a problem. Do you mind waiting until Nationals? Or do you need it right away? We will not make it to the MI meeting (have another trip we need to make), but I may be able to ship it if you need it right away. Let me know!