A question for all Washgington Chin owners!

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Tasty Human
Sep 22, 2010
With all this snow falling, I've got a question about my chinnies. In fall we will be moving to Everett, WA, which got a decent amount of snow the past few days. Is there anything special I need to do to take care of my chinchillas up there? Will I need to keep them warm, if so, what is the right way to do it?
Well I think my power was out for almost 2 days. You can get a generator which runs on gasoline. Or you might be like me. I currently live in an apartment. I was one of the first people to lose power around 6/7am Thursday. So around 2pm I packed up my animals and my things and went to my grandma's. I don't know if you will be able to go to a friend's or family member's house who has power or a generator. I know some people have gone to a warm shelter. I've heard dogs/cats were there, so I'd hope you could bring a small cage with your chinchillas. Another option is to move to a place with a gas fireplace and gas stove. Those work even when the power is out. So you would just have to worry about lights and probably hot water. You might be able to have a hot water heater that is gas (I think) and they work when the power is out. My mom has one. Hopefully more people can give you more tips. I'm not really sure where you are from, but I'm currently in Auburn for now. Which is south of Seattle before Tacoma. Good luck on your move here! I'm going home in a few hours and I am really hoping that there is power! Fingers crossed!
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Thanks hun. The only person we'll know in WA will be about an hour away. We will also be living in an apartment. I'm hoping everything will be ok. We will look into a generator while we are up there. Maybe they will let us stay on the navy base once the power goes out.
Everett is not cold, or snowy. It gets much colder up in the mountains where chinchillas originated, that's why they can't tolerate heat. My chinchilla gets super happy in the winter when I don't turn the heat on until it gets down to 55. Even if it got close to freezing, he'd be happy.
The nice thing about moving to Everett is that the temps are more moderate, and you'll use your a/c less in the summer, and it doesn't get ridiculously cold in this area - at least not for long. If we get any winter at all, which is usually very brief, it won't generally begin until January. Winters are mainly wet.