A little update + Pics

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Active member
Mar 28, 2011
My boys have settled in famously, and I've finally gotten over my kidney stone fiasco. I snapped a few quick pics before I cleaned their cage, so excuse the pooey shelves. It's the only place they DO poo, and I have to shake them off daily.

I finally got the right hardware for shelves, and we found some nice, big old pine trunks to make some shelves for them. They were dead, so the sap is all dried and they have no smell to them. I've just got to sand them down and get them set up, so th plastic shelves will be going! They haven't even nibbled them, though.

I've been making them toys with hemp twine and lots of wood chunks, apple wood, etc. But they pull them down and then carry the pieces everywhere, lol. So, I really need to order some better hardware to hang with, haha.

Captain Jack (white) is such a master at disapproving faces when I take his picture. And Rum just hides. They're so silly, but they're just as friendly as my rats! I wasn't quite expecting that, I thought they'd be more aloof. But they adore me, and when they hear the shredded wheat bag, they absolutely worship me. Lol.

I think the hammocks are more decorations for me, they don't seem to sleep in them, but I've made them a cube and sometimes they'll lay in it.




The amount of plastic that you have, and the tell-tale gnawing marks on them, worries me. My Bessie almost died because of plastic ingestion, I would suggest that you remove the plastic and replace it with chin-friendly things. Just my opinion.
They're very cute. Congrats!

I agree with the above, but sounds like you've got some wood shelves in the works. Are you going to replace the plastic food dish and tube also? Not sure if hemp twine is safe, but I know sisal rope is commonly used.

I know what you mean about the hammocks... but even if you don't see them using them, you will usually find poo evidence that they've tried them out!
The chew marks were on them when they came with the cage. I'm not sure if something else was housed in it? But they're in my bedroom, and I'm in here day and night, since I work from home. And I haven't seen them nibble even once. Maybe because they have tons of chews.

I do have wood shelves in the works. I've been ridiculously sick and had a lot of personal issues come up, so I haven't been able to do everything I want with them. I've actually been perusing the site for an hour or two, checking out bridges and wooden houses and such. Hopefully I can find everything I want.

I hadn't even thought about replacing the plastic food dish. It's super super hard plastic, and they don't touch it at all. I should probably get a ceramic dish, though. This is just everything they came to me with. I've switched them off the crappy food and hay blocks they came with to good stuff. Trying to get everything sorted completely!

I'll have to post pics once all the stuff I'm ordering comes in. :]
I was also thinking of getting some PVC tubes? I have to ask, though. Aren't they basically plastic? Why are those safe?
I don't have a pvc tube for my chin but i am guess they are safe because they are covered by fleece so they won't chew it. But the tube I have for my chin is really thick cardboard tube covered with fleece.
I was also thinking of getting some PVC tubes? I have to ask, though. Aren't they basically plastic? Why are those safe?

PVC has been said to be too hard for them to chew. After they get a few tests and nothing happens they move on. Although I'm sure there could be chins who might not give up and those might get the PVC weakened and then start to get chew marks in it.
Just wanted to say: I've ordered some perches, started to make some ledges, ordered some toys and a chinchiller, and some loofah, etc.

Now I've just got to find a nice wooden hidey!
Now I've just got to find a nice wooden hidey!

I would try Twilight Chinchillas or Cat75 for a hidey house. Not sure if Cat is still making hers, but I have 3 from them. They are really nice and a great price. Christine of Twilight Chinchillas has been making adorable personalized wooden items and her customer service is great!

Congrats on all your progress... I know it is a bit overwhelming when you have to replace almost everything, but it feels good and looks even better when its all done!
aww they are super cute, I love their names!! Just a sugestion for a new bowl, you can get a ceramic one but my girls started tipping theirs after a while and dragging it around so I got a different bowl where theres a ring that attaches to your cage with washers/wingnut and then the bowl sits in the ring and its a lightweight stainless steel. I think people call them coop cups?? Not totally sure, I found mine at pets west. Also for hanging toys if you want something to hang stuff on that you dont have to order online try going to a hardware store or craft store and getting some thin wire. I could never find the really small chain and didn't feel like ordering online so in the jewelery section in a crafts store I found some cheap wire for like $5. Hope that helps :)