A friend for Roo?

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Active member
Nov 1, 2012
Well, just a quick update... Roo is back to his sweet loving self! But I have been considering getting him a cagemate(after quarentine and intros). But I just CANT decide! I want all of his attention for myself, hehe so selfish! But I dont want to take away from his quality of life either! I know this really comes down to time, space,patience, and expecting the unexpected! And Im sure mostly a personal choice... But I am having such a hard time deciding! I just LOVE watching him run, jump, and play! But I bet he would be even MORE fun to watch with a friend!(assuming they would get along) ahh how do people know it is the rigt choice for them to add another?!
It really just depends. As you know, he may not even take to having a cage mate and you have to be prepared to have another cage, etc. If you have time enough to spend with him and want all the attention, then maybe getting a second chin isn't a good idea.
I think that buddha became just SLIGHTLY less affectionate towards me when we got Moose. (It might also be the fact that we moved him to a larger cage). But right now, I think it's okay, because they seem to really like to have each other to cuddle with and play with, so I think It's worth it to have a second one (at least for me). But as other people have said, there's a chance they won't get along, then you'd have to cage them separately. I am actually really glad that I got Moose and introduced them when I did, because I just recently found out that I'm pregnant, so I know that once the baby comes, I might not have AS much time for Buddha, so now he has someone to keep him company.
Thanks for your replies! And congrats on the new baby seeleyanne!
I just love having him and how much he looks forward to being with me! But he seems so lonely in his cage sleeping and running around, like he would love a play mate! He tries to play with my cat throug the cage even! Haha
Haha that's cute! And thanks, we're really excited! :)
Buddha and Moose love being cuddle buddies, so maybe it's worth a try for you!