a 2nd chin!

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YAY! :dance3: we now have Tink along with Tohru. Tink is a full grown grey :) So far they seem to be getting along OK, a few small barks from Tink at the dogs but then Odin ( my biggest dog ) was being nosy so he deserved it. I bought a 2nd nest box so they dont have to share. On the downside, Hubby has now banned me from the petstore, as I went in just to look at exercise pens for my daughters guinea pigs and came out with a chinchilla. But really, Tink looked SOOO sad in there with just a plastic water bottle and no NOTHING else, I just had to bring tinky home!
1st congratulations! :)) Second, I think this is too late now from what I read but you are supposed to keep a new chinchilla in quarantine for 30 days, meaning separate cage and different rooms due to the new chinchilla possibly getting your chin sick. There is a thread here in the forum about quarantine and intros. But now I think you just have to keep a very close eye on both of them.
Congrats! I just got my second chin too :] I didn't quarantine properly either, so yes keep a close eye on both of your chins. But yayy congrats!!
Congrats on your chin! I would have done the same thing as you and would have rescued the poor thing from the petstore. What a terrible place for a chin to be! I have to go to the petstore without my husband. He tries to rush me through the store and refuses to believe I "need" what is in my cart!
Congrats on your chin! I would have done the same thing as you and would have rescued the poor thing from the petstore. What a terrible place for a chin to be! I have to go to the petstore without my husband. He tries to rush me through the store and refuses to believe I "need" what is in my cart!

Not meaning to be a downer :( seriously, because I would have done exactly as you, but this is why I have to avoid "certain" pet stores. The one's where they sell chins will just get another one to replace it time and again. The mom-n-pop pet store where I got my first chin no longer sells chins because of what I went through with the 2 that I had purchased from them.
Thanks :) I got Tink from the same place, she was originally tohru's cagemate so hopefully there arent any germies :( I didnt even stop to think of that!
oops sorry lol!


and of course, my heart chin, baby roo (tohru)

So cute! I love the names too! I would remove those plastic ramps, they don't need them and prefer to jump, plus if they chew the plastic they can have problems. I love Roo!
Is 2 chins better than 1?

I`ve had my little boy who is 5mos about 3weeks. What are the opinions of having him a cagemate? I would be buying from the same breeder I purchased him from. Would he be just as friendly and loving? or maybe just be interested in his new buddy? I would purchase another boy. Just never realized how much fun these guys are and what good pets they make.
Chins do just fine alone as long as you have plenty of time for them. If you think that he could use more company, then, by all means, get him another male for a buddy. It is usually easiest when they are both still young.
Geez I just never get tired of looking at chinny pics. Adorable chins.
Yeah, we have a PetSmart here and they give away free pets that their owners have surrendered, that's how I got my first chin. My husband and my son get so mad when I stop there. Now if they need a shakedown all I do is signal like I'm gonna turn there and they both freak out. I love pushing their buttons sometimes.