2009 MCBA Michigan Show

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Queen Becky, Ruler of Purpleland
Jan 28, 2009
It's lunch time, and I thought I'd bring you up to speed on what has happened so far.

We have 146 animals with 14 exhibitors.

Whites: Female Champion: Jags Reserve: Ritterspach
Male Champion: Jags Reserve: Jags

Violets: Female Champion: West Reserve: Jags

More to come later!
Yeppie!! I was really hoping for another play by play like you did for the OH show!

I'm sooo sad to be sitting here at home!!
Nicole just called me to update me on everything.

You all have a good time!!! I really wish I was there instead of here just waiting on my friend to go into labor!!


Champion female Vetter Reserve female Jags
Champion male Ritterspach Reserve male West
Hey Becky,

Anyway you can find out what animal from Jags won? I just bought a pw female from him 2 days ago that he was planning on showing. I am dying to see how she did. Her number is T546.

On pins and needles over here.

Congrats to all the winners. Great Job.

I've getting txt updates from Nicole :)

Sounds like it's been a pretty good show...
I'm excited the two standard females she took to show for me did well, one got a 1B!

Bumed I missed the show again this year... and of course, still here waiting on the baby... I knew this would happen.
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Awesome that you were able to post so quickly, Becky! I can't wait for the rest of the results, and SO wish I could have been there!!! Thanks for helping me live vicariously through the posts... :)
Thanks for the play by play information. Its great to hear what's going on as it happens.
Jessica your new girl took a first. Jeri had to go into work tonight so may have all the results on the MCBA site yet tonight. Brenda did a great job judging, she was tough but very consistant.
Jeri is at work and does not have all the information to put show results online. I have to wait for Julie to get them to me now. (Julie or Becky)

JAGS took Grand Show (Eb female) and Reserve Grand Show (pinkwhite male)
also had Best Female of show and Reserve Best Female
Best Male of show and Reserve Best male

Best Ebony male and female Reserve female eb
Best Std female
Best female and male white and reserve white male
Reserve female violet and beige
Oops forgot the main one....
Joshua (little JAGS) took Junior Breeder award with 3 of his own animals finally.
Ooohh great. I am very happy about that Randy/Jeri. Great Job at the show everyone. Next year I think I am going to hit the road and go.

Sorry I didn't get back to this!

Brenda did a great job! She talked to herself a lot (maybe arguing with herself????) and made some funny faces. She was TOUGH!!!! but very consistent. We picked on her some, but mostly picked on Robin!

Congrats to Jags, who won all my purple trophies! I'll put up the final stuff this afternoon, along with some pictures.

Sounds like a great show! I would have loved to see Brenda judge!
I got to go! The show was an hour and a half from my house, so hubby & I made a day of it. We learned SO much. Everyone was really helpful and those chins. . . oh such beauties.