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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. chocochin

    Need opinions on a name.

    He's beautiful! I vote for Ashe!
  2. chocochin

    Plastic ingestion and Dust bath questions

    1)I believe the signs of plastic ingestion would be pretty severe--a block would cause stasis so you would see your chin stop eating/drinking/pooping, acting lethargic. 2) Over use of a dust bath will cause your chin's skin to dry out and he will be itchy. Think of it like if you over washed...
  3. chocochin

    death bedding!?

    I agree, I'm allergic to pine but the Aspen works great. And personally I've never seen my chin eat it.
  4. chocochin

    I thought I knew what to do with my new chin, but now I'm not so sure.

    The big thing about limiting playtime is that it can mess with their blood sugar and potentially cause hypoglycemic seizures (I believe) or overheating. Also, they are growing still and will need extra calories. My rule is usually try and see how much energy he is expending. If he is out for an...
  5. chocochin

    Sound-training chins to return to cage?

    I believe most people use treats, at least at first. They need some kind of incentive to be trained. If she really likes sticks or anything in particular that should work as well. The important part is to make sure you're not giving really unhealthy treats for the sake of training everyday of...
  6. chocochin

    non fn or cn cages, anyone?

    I have a cage that is smaller like that, although I can't take a pic right now since I'm travelling. I've found it's great to give them jumping room without the clutter when you add in more small perching ledges. I have two large shelves but like 5 perching ledges (like the lava ledge size)...
  7. chocochin

    How cold is too cold?

    I do not know about how cold is too cold, only that the recommended range is 60-65 F. For the heat though, Chinchillas need air conditioning in summer, unless you're in a very cool place. He should not be in a room over 75 F. Fans don't work to keep chinchillas cool because they don't actually...
  8. chocochin

    Out of Cage playtime suggestions

    Cardboard play structures work great! Make sure they have lots of chew toys so that they can be distracted and not chew on the cardboard though. Also, my guy loves to play on me haha. He'll climb on my back if I'm laying down and whatnot.. We do "cuddle cave" where I cover myself in a blanket...
  9. chocochin

    I saw someone pick their chin up by the tail??

    The dangerous thing about the tail is if you grab them at the tip or something and accidentally rip it off. But as long as it's the base, it's a safe method. I had a friend as a kid who picked her chinchilla up by the tip of its tail and it was squirming so much that it kinda swung around and...
  10. chocochin

    Chins and dogs

    It really depends on the dogs and the space. Some people say that their dogs are fine with chins, although having them in contact is really not recommended. Will you have a separate room for the chin so that it doesn't feel threatened by the dogs? Do you have an okay area for play time where...
  11. chocochin

    Some New Pics of our chins

    Ah, they are beautiful! And I love the name Momo.. It makes me think of The Last Airbender (the series, not the awful movie), although I don't know if that's what you were intending. Either way, they're both gorgeous :D
  12. chocochin

    Chinchilla 'hamster' ball

    I think one of the biggest problems is that people are used to trusting pet stores, because they have all the right stuff for dogs, cats, fish, hamsters, etc. and people don't realize how different chinchillas are. So, they go to get a pet, think chinchillas are cool, and end up with so much bad...
  13. chocochin

    Chew rate increasing? How much wood do I supply?

    I guess that's why I was worried, I never realized that he wasn't eating the wood.. I figured downing a stick that quickly had to be bad for his tummy. Now I feel silly cause of course he's not eating it. Ha, well that really clears things up. Thanks everyone!
  14. chocochin

    I can't afford the metal flying saucer right now. What is the next best thing?

    Lots of chins live their whole lives without wheels and do just fine. Yes, it is nice for them to have, but it's not worth getting one which is a) dangerous and b) won't last more than a couple months. Saving up for a good wheel is worth it because they last for a life time (well, a chin's life...
  15. chocochin

    Chew rate increasing? How much wood do I supply?

    Really? Or is that a joke? It's hard to believe that they don't actually eat them! And I guess I knew that chins were capable of this much chewing, I was just so surprised when he changed his habits so drastically in so little time. I've been giving him a new chew every night and he's been...
  16. chocochin

    Hiding, lethargic 4 year old chin

    I've heard smelly, soft, piling poops are a sign of intestinal infection! Since she can't vomit (something I didn't know, actually), it's probably her digestive system is not working properly, as in chin diarrhea. It's a sign that she needs medical treatment. As noted by the other members...
  17. chocochin

    Is this treat and toy ok?

    As noted above, the toys are safe. However, make sure the ledges and his igloo are not made of plastic, as it's toxic to chins. I believe the deluxe ferret home comes with plastic shelves and ramps, but these can be replaced by attaching wooden shelves; the ramps are unnecessary. A wooden, glue...
  18. chocochin

    Chew rate increasing? How much wood do I supply?

    Yeah now that he's going through a stick every night I've realized I'll need to find a better source for my apple wood in the classifieds! Haha. Since he's so young he actually has never had any treats, although he is clearly starting to see his apple sticks as treats. Pretty good...
  19. chocochin

    Early Christmas gifts from Momma!

    Good looking toys, they should keep them entertained for awhile! I love that their tubes are in the perfect place for chewing them too :)