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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Michelle (:

    Puppy pictures

    I shared a pic of my hedgie Mel earlier and thought I'd post a couple updated pics of my puppy Atticus. He's a little chunk, almost 2 pounds at 18 weeks!
  2. Michelle (:

    Its been quite some time

    since I've posted Mel pics. He's been a grump and was happier being in his warm cage than out snuggling with me, he's usually just huffy the whole time. But today he was happy just half balled up watching me on the computer.
  3. Michelle (:

    Mr. Atticus

    Mel is being a little huff ball and just wanted to sleep so I didnt get any pictures of him today. But I got a couple of Atticus I thought came out cute.
  4. Michelle (:

    New puppy!

    Look what I picked out for my birthday! I got him from a breeder here in IL and hes such a sweetie! I'm in love. He's a 10 week old red toy poodle. He weighs maybe a pound, at the most, right now. I'll have better pictures by the weekend, these are from last night when I first brought him home...
  5. Michelle (:

    I think I'm allergic ):

    Since I've had Mel I've had rashes on my arms and hands, but I never really thought anything of it. But I noticed not holding him for about a week (I've been sick and didnt know if he could catch it) my arms have been very clear and holding him last night made them worse than they have ever...
  6. Michelle (:

    Just thought these were cute

    A couple videos of my neice (6.5 months old), they made me smile and thought I'd share. They were taken on my phone so they arnt the best quality...
  7. Michelle (:

    Mel annointing

    I dont think I ever shared these pics but I read a thread about hedgies annointing and thought I'd share. Its the first time he had ever annointed and I was laughing so hard. How does his ear end up on top of his head? haha
  8. Michelle (:

    Gotta love dogs...

    I was having a crappy day and the dogs are always with me where ever I go. Either laying on top of me or on the floor next to me. Today they decided they ALL needed to be on the couch with was rather crowded...
  9. Michelle (:

    Choosing classes!

    I'm having such trouble chooseing between two classes I want to take next year, I can only take one. They are at a seperate school (TCD), and I start my school day there and get back to my high school around 12:30 and take english, math and my history class. I get college credits for the class I...
  10. Michelle (:

    Mel loves his mealies!

    I was trying to wake up Mel for a photoshoot, he smelled something but he couldnt figure out what it was! It took him a good 10 mins before he found the pile of mealworms. haha
  11. Michelle (:

    Mr. Grumpypants

    Mel's been rather grumpy lately...I think hes quilling. Oh joy.
  12. Michelle (:

    Autumn/fall Mel pics!

    Mel was being a ham usual. He was having too much fun rolling around the pumkin and wouldnt stay still, soooo out of 46 shots only a couple came out okay haha.
  13. Michelle (:

    Mel is pink!?

    I dont know how...I'm guessing he annointed and then cuddled in his fleece blankey and it stuck to him? I have no clue! But he got a bath and didnt like it one bit...
  14. Michelle (:

    My dogs!

    Took a couple pics tonight, they didnt come out all that great...I'll try to get better ones later. Claire (golden): Charlie (corgi):
  15. Michelle (:

    Sick of Mel pics yet?!

    I didnt have the good camera near by so they arnt that great of quality, but heres my baby!
  16. Michelle (:

    Mel photoshoot!

    Just some pics I took of my baby. He was pretty grumpy this afternoon, he wasnt happy about being woken up! And of course right when he starting running around and being goofy the camera died, so I only have grumpy face pics! haha
  17. Michelle (:

    Mel pictures!

    everytime I take pictures I always get a few with his tounge out! haha
  18. Michelle (:

    Sleepy Mel pics

    He loves to sleep or just hang out in my sweatshirt pockets, its so cute! He loves to have his head out when I walk around and he will just sit so still with his eyes opened huge. (Sorry they're not good quality, I didnt have the good camera near by) Once you wake him up you get the stink eye.
  19. Michelle (:

    Need help, question about bite plate.

    I got my braces and bite plate today. I was to busy crying about how ugly my braces were I wasnt paying attention to what my orthodontist was telling me. Does anyone know if your suppose to sleep with your bite plate in, or do you take it out?