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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. CrissysChins

    Happy Birthday

    Wanted to wish Jessica Godin a very Happy Birthday!! Hugs!!
  2. CrissysChins

    My Bella's bday

    Happy Birthday to my Bella! You are my shinning star. I love you so much!!!!
  3. CrissysChins

    Trick or Treat

    I know its a little early but, my cute little goblins wanted to get ready for Halloween. Paris wanted no part of her ballerina costume but was too cute not to share.
  4. CrissysChins

    Photo day...ya right!

    Took a few pictures today that I though you all would enjoy. The kids were not as excited to get pictures done but mommy was. In the last picture Kane has his cute little paw on the ball...All I had to say to that was "Show off"
  5. CrissysChins

    Please dont touch me!

    This morning I did not get the stink eye look but I did get the please dont touch me look. Nitro was so happy just to sit on top of his tube and wanted nothing to do with me. I love you, Nitro!
  6. CrissysChins

    Toys I made from Apple wood

    My parents have all these Apple trees so I decided that I would cut a few branches and make some toys and sticks for my chinnies. Well let me tell you... I have to give you all credit who do this daily. After all the preparing of the wood and the drilling of the holes it took me hours and I mean...
  7. CrissysChins

    Grape Vines

    I have been searching for over a hour and cannot come across a thread that explains "How do you clean and mold grape vines". Any help would be appreciated.
  8. CrissysChins

    Finally... I got my Kane!

    After a year of bugging Jess she finally said I can take Kane home! Not the greatest pictures but he sure is a ham and has the best personality ever! I just love him so much!
  9. CrissysChins

    Weighing my Chins

    I bought a Digital Kitchen scale today at Walmarts. I thought it would be a good idea for myself to weigh my chins just in case they had any changes in eating,ect. My question is: How offten do you weigh your Chins and what is the easiest way to put them on the scale? Thank you all in advance...
  10. CrissysChins

    York show basket raffle

    After weeks of thinking of what kind of raffle basket I could do, I finally came up with! Spring is right around the corner...I hope! So why not do a Garden basket. I filled it with a Topsy Turvy Hommingbird planter, garden flag, Daylily, Gladiolus, and Lily bilbs. A Garden sign and a...
  11. CrissysChins

    My Chins at Playtime!

    Free time Play is so much fun!!
  12. CrissysChins

    Chin cookies

    I saw a thread on here to make Chin cookies. The receipe called for Animax and Rose Hips. Were can I find theses 2 products? Thanks
  13. CrissysChins

    York/Dover Carpool

    I was just wondering if anyone was going through the Albany district that would like to Carpool to the York/Dover show. I have no problem splitting gas, toll money! This is my first time going to a show and im so excited and ready to learn!!
  14. CrissysChins

    Hello Everyone!

    Hello Everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Crissy and I am a mommy to 10 Chins! Yes 10! I have been a member for a couple mths and I love this forum. Alot of advice on here that is much needed! Just bought (3)FN142 and cannot wait to start the decor!! Ill post pictures soon of...