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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. riotheoleo

    Chins with dogs

    Are chinchillas ok with dogs? The reason I'm asking is because (hopefully) later this year my family may be getting a dog. Obviously I would NEVER let them play together but there may be instances where the dog might be in the same room as the cage (the cage is on a ledge and a stand so theres...
  2. riotheoleo

    Critter/ferret Nation uk?

    I really like the ferret and critter nation cages. Theres nothing wrong with my current cage, I would just really like to get the cn or fn instead. Are they available to purchase in the uk?
  3. riotheoleo

    Chin ate a sticker???

    Really?? Maybe its because I feed mine alfalfa :D
  4. riotheoleo

    Chin ate a sticker???

    Correct me if wrong, but if her poop is soft, wouldnt you want to increase the amount of pellets and take away her hay? Hope everything works out :)
  5. riotheoleo

    Question on wire mesh floor

    I have this cage and the bottom was not chin safe, so I covered it with some wire mesh to make the squares too small for them to injure themselves on. Had them over a year with no problems
  6. riotheoleo

    Chinchilla peeing outside cage

    Thanks guys! I have a wood floor so its fairly easy to clean, its just that it normally lands on the near by rug and sofa! Ice, the breeder i got my chins from is very good friends with John so I know who he is but I thought he only sold cages! Thanks :D
  7. riotheoleo

    Chinchilla peeing outside cage

    This problem is driving me insane. So obviously chins pee. I have no problem with that. Its the fact that both my chinchillas choose to stick their bums up against the corners of the cage and pee outside the cage. The only place they pee is corners. I dont mind cleaning poo because I can just...
  8. riotheoleo

    How old were you when you got your first chin?

    Apollo was a present for my 13th birthday however we got him a few weeks before, so I was 12.
  9. riotheoleo

    First Rodent?

    Mine were 3 gerbils for my 9th birthday called Rio, Theo and Leo. Best birthday present ever :D One even lived to the grand old age of 4.
  10. riotheoleo

    Small Vegetable Play Patch at pets at home

    Also can I point out it says nothing on the packaging or website about this being non toxic, normally most brands make sure to state it is but having pets at home sell "death balls" specialised for chins i highly doubt this is safe!!!!!
  11. riotheoleo

    Any Opinions On Charlie Chinchilla Food?

    I used to feed mine these cheap pellets from a warehouse and they never ate much. They suddenly became moudly and I was unable to get more so I had to do a switch with only a bit mixed together and I switched them to selective. Now i have to add more food twice a day now lol they love it
  12. riotheoleo

    Small Vegetable Play Patch at pets at home

    Hi i havent been on this forum in a while, but yesterday I bought my chinchillas some new toys from pets at home including the small veg play patch. The toy is quite small and priced at £7 I thought durability would make up for size. Nope. Most of it was destroyed within an hour. I was quite...
  13. riotheoleo

    Hello from Yorkshire!

    Welcome! I love your chinchillas name! Also im quite near you aswell ;D
  14. riotheoleo


    thanks guys :) Im really worried, shes saying hes fine and he doesnt need a vet appointment and we will ask the breeder we got him off when shes back from holiday (not till sunday D:) This happened with my gerbils in the past, they were ill and she didnt believe me. they died and she blamed me...
  15. riotheoleo


    My chinchillas were slightly constipated and I was more worried about rocky but thankfully he is fine now. Apollo is not. When I put them in the bath (no water) rocky pooped none stop but Apollo didn't poop at all for about 10 minutes. I gave him a raisin to help his bowel movements. When he did...