Recent content by MischievousChins

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  1. MischievousChins

    Uninvited guest...

    Obviously, she has adopted you has her family, and refuses to be evicted! lol I'd call around and see if there are any other rescure/rehoming services for them.... preferably one far away from your house! lol
  2. MischievousChins

    Hey All

    Introducing myself again, since it's been ages since i've been online. Just been so crazy busy. For thoes who don't know, My name's Misty. I live in Northern Indiana, and have a small herd of chinnies. I try to go to as many shows as I can, cuz they're always so much fun.
  3. MischievousChins

    Ryerson Run Pans?

    if you can't find anyone locally, wait for the Ryersons to return your call. They are prolly busy right now getting ready for Nationals this weekend. Maybe try them again the beginning of the week.
  4. MischievousChins

    Kenny Chesney

    I like his music, and think he's pretty hott as long as he keeps the cowboy hat on, lol. Never seen him in concert though.
  5. MischievousChins

    what is your speciality?

    well, I plain to foucs mainly on violets, that being said, the majority of my herd is and will be standards and standard vc carries. I've been building my standard line, and just recently put my violet line in breeding. So for the past year or so, I've only had standards born. :) With...
  6. MischievousChins

    I got an internship in the UK!!!

    It was a long time ago when I traveled to the UK, but I remember Scotland was my favorite! Probably because I have family history there, but everything there is just sooo beautiful! Of course you should go into London and see the Palace, Big Ben, and all that stuff!
  7. MischievousChins

    how to get into showing

    Chins do not have to be tagged for MCBA shows.
  8. MischievousChins

    Hot dogs

    wow, I generally dislike hot dogs, especially boiled! ICK!! I enjoy a good Chilli dog now and again... but some of these are good ideas, i might have to go buy hot dogs...
  9. MischievousChins

    Websites for watching episodes online? is my favorite... with out it i could have never surivied cancelling my cable. very clean site, no add ons, safe, and tons of show to choose from! They even have ALF!!!!
  10. MischievousChins

    Simethicone- a new look

    You starty a topic, then refuse to clairfy or back up your "research". Gee thanks for the helpful information! :Sarcasmd:
  11. MischievousChins

    Pedigree Makers

    Evans here too. Love it.
  12. MischievousChins

    Mutations/Colors: Pictures

    White Violet: Pink White: White Eb:
  13. MischievousChins

    The Pure Recessive Charcoal & Derivatives

    Thank you Claire! VERY informative!!! I think this is very educational, and deserves to be sticky-ed or FAQed somewhere.
  14. MischievousChins

    Super Bowl Commercials.

    I laughed so hard at the Potato Head Commercial.. don't even remember what it was for though... I also liked the one with all the accidents.. bowling ball falling on guys head, guy with the power cord in his mouth..