My "double fish"!

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I bite.
Jan 29, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
Phil and I went fishing the past 2 days and I caught these bass..on the same cast..with the same the same time. I figure the odds of that happening are pretty slim, so I had to take a picture & thought I would share! (Please don't mind my humidity frizzed hair and no-make-upness!)

thats impressive!!! i have done that 2x in my life but i fish 300 days of the year. beat this! he was fine and un-harmed flew away fine

The only thing I have caught out of the last 5 times we went fishing is lake sludge and a stick!! Nice catch Stacie.
Wow..I can't believe you caught a seagull! The only non-fish that I've caught while fishing is a big 20 lbs snapper. He was scary!

Thanks everyone. It was pretty cool. I caught 30 fish over the 2 days so it was a pretty fun time and a nice, very much needed vacation.
stacie what was the biggest bass you guys caught on the trip?
We didn't catch any large bass this outing. They were all pretty much that size in the picture...a couple pounds at the most? I have caught a big 8.5 pounder out of that lake though, so I know they are in there!
Stacie, what are you talking about, you're gorgeous! I'd give my left arm to look like that without makeup! :D Oh and yes, congrats on the double catch, that's cool. What lake to you fish at?
I catch my fish in the freezer at the supermarket. That's as close to eyeballs and guts as I want to get!

Not sure what the thing to say here is Stack - Congrats? Eww? AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH................

She always says that Sandi - like she's such a dog faced wench. Makes me want to pull her hair or something. Pfffft.
That's awesome! I like to fish, and looove to catch crabs. Am purposely leaving a giant bush comment out of this post.

Did you keep any of what you caught?
Phil and I went fishing the past 2 days and I caught these bass..on the same cast..with the same the same time. I figure the odds of that happening are pretty slim, so I had to take a picture & thought I would share! (Please don't mind my humidity frizzed hair and no-make-upness!)


Wow, that's amazing! I can never seem to catch anything. And you're very pretty, humidity frizzed hair and all!
Haha thanks everyone. It's at a private cabin that my family owns. It's surrounded by a big lake that is awesome for fishing. We caught lots of bluegill, redear, and crappie as well. We didn't keep anything this time..just catch and release :) We caught some very nice sandwich size bluegills, though!
Oooo, stop taunting me with your fishing skills! I've even tried trolling behind a boat, but the fish just take the trolling lures, and those are EXPENSIVE! (Trolling as in putting your lure behind a boat, not as being a horrid person on the internet. It's pronounced differently, too.)
Stack that's amazing! I just had to send this picture to my folks who are big fisherman! My mom is actually better than my dad!
This picture made me smile too Stacie, Lisa really loved to fish and seeing you with that big smile on your face reminded me of her!
Phil is SO stinking lucky! He better know that!!! You're a great "catch" LOL!!
Laurie, I'm glad you got some sentiment out of it! I have been fishing since I could remember. I'm my dad's only child and he is a big outdoorsman, so I was a major tom boy growing up and still am! I've won several fishing tournaments, and my dad always jokes that I can outfish even all the men in our family..hehe.
You're still not saying what lake you were on - my son and I both fish, and after seeing your picture, and the fish, REALLY wants to go there!! We're only about 25 miles from the Indiana border @ I-80!!
Congrats on your double catch!!