mushy poop

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Well-known member
May 23, 2012
Hi everyone, I'm a first time chin owner and did a fair amount of research before getting my little girl and I thought I knew what to do and not. My little chin had one mushy poop this morning when I cleaned her cage. I looked online and have taken out her pellets and I looked further and saw alfalfa should be used as a treat so I took any alfalfa out as well. I'm just wondering if it was most likely from pellets, alfalfa (she would eat all I put in there it was clearly her favorite, and I was unaware that it shouldn't be given to them often - is this correct?) Or I was wondering if maybe she's just off because its her 3rd day home with me? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you! (Also I tried to attach a picture, if it works - its what the toilet paper looked like when I wiped it up. It looks like she peed on it, but I'm new, and that may be what mushy poop just looks like?)


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It could be a little of all that you mentioned, stress of coming home, new pellets, and alfalfa. Alfalfa has more calcium in it then timothy does and should only be fed to young or nursing chins. I would switch to timothy as son as you could.

What food is she on now? Do you know what she was on before you got her? Something like that could give her soft poop as well if it was a cold turkey switch.
She's on manna pro premium rabbit feed, its what she was given by the breeder and I've kept her on that. I haven't seen any strange poop so I'm hoping it was just her adjusting. Thank you, I appreciate your response. Also, she's 2 months old, should I keep her on alfalfa still since she is so young?
I've had this happen to me as well, but usually it's only when I cave in to their begging and give them a few too many papaya treats.

When I see soft poop, I stop all treats and give them nothing other than Timothy/Orchard hay and pellets. Monitor the pellets as well, they only need about 2 tablespoons per day.
I think the alfalfa would be fine for now since she's still young, like smhluvsmh said. I'm not sure how young chins are when they are sold by breeders or who ever, so I thought she was older than that. I'm also not sure about the mushy poops since she's on the same feed, so maybe it's the stress? Anyway, hope it clears up quickily and on it's own!
I've had this happen to me as well, but usually it's only when I cave in to their begging and give them a few too many papaya treats.

When I see soft poop, I stop all treats and give them nothing other than Timothy/Orchard hay and pellets. Monitor the pellets as well, they only need about 2 tablespoons per day.

How often do you give treats? Papaya and other dried fruits should be given rarely, if at all. There are many good treats out there, like rosehips, cheerios, wheeties, rolled oats, some herbs, or more sticks to munch on. (Not all at once, obviously! lol) Those should be given at most once or twice a week.

Also, chins can be fed unlimited pellets and hay if you wish. It's a lot easier for me to toss in a hand full of pellets or hay and not think much about it. It's great you monitor there food and water intake! ;)
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Thank you everyone! So far she has been great. I cut out all alfalfa today, just as a precaution. But I will give her some tomorrow, I'll just give her some since I learned that her pellets have alfalfa in them as well. I spot cleaned her corners a few hours ago and noticed that when I see soft poop it's only in the corners that she pees. Now I'm wondering if maybe the pee sitting on the poop is making it mushy and appear mushy when I get around to cleaning it. I'm not positive. Also, I haven't been giving her any treats. I'm trying to keep her just on her pellets, hay and water. She eats enough of that as it is. She is only 2 months so she will be growing more. Also, I have only been giving her 2 tbs per day of pellets. Sorry for the scattered response to everyone's help!
Alfalfa based pellets are fine, you'll find that most available pellets are alfalfa based. The majority of forum members feed alfalfa based feeds. Just make sure you are feeding a grass based hay (Timothy, orchard, etc.)
Since she is only a 2 months old, she should not be getting any treats at all. Chins under 6 months should not be given treats.
Since she is only a 2 months old, she should not be getting any treats at all. Chins under 6 months should not be given treats.

Thank you! The actual month is good to know, I haven't been giving her any. And I'll be sure to hold off. She's spoiled enough as it is with her toys, lol. I don't think she'll have any problems waiting. :)