Just wondering

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2011
I was taking a quiz i found on the internet and there were 2 questions i didn't know and i was wondering if you guys could answer them for me.

Put these in order of wich are most important in a chins diet
Fiber Content
Fat Content
Protein Content

What are 2 common sicknesses that affect chins?

(for number 2 i think one is Ringworm and the other is possibly bloat??)

i think its fiber, protien, fat but I could be wrong...not sure on the second one though.
i would say for #2 the answers would be URI's and bloat/stasis. malo isn't actually an illness (bacterial or viral infection), it's a tooth problem.

and #1 i think is fiber/protein/fat too.
Isn't that part of a chinchilla adoption form? I think I read something like that somewhere XD
Fungus/ringworm should not be a problem if a chin is kept in a clean well ventilated wire cage and not in an aquarium. As well as keeping cool temps and dehumidifiers as needed. Upper respiratory infection URI and bloat/stasis are #1 and 2 IMO.
Protein content is most important I think, I know you don't want it too high.
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Fiber is the most important part of a chins diet. I would say neither of the "sickness" is common unless there are other circumstances that lead up to the bloat/ringworm.
i don't know it may be???? :hmm:

That's pretty funny that it's on a quiz too, then. I just remember browsing and looking at the form (I'm considering getting another chin someday) and thinking how I didn't know the answer to that either lol