Using white pepper as a deterrent for chewing?

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Well-known member
May 7, 2010
Toronto Canada
Hey guys,

Just a thought, has anyone used white pepper as a deterrent for chins chewing wall bases etc? Any thoughts on the matter?

Thanks :)
Can you imagine how bad that would burn their mouths? Chins chew - that's part of owning chins. It's the owner's responsibility to make sure the chins cannot get at anything they don't want chewed. Playpens are wonderful for that. They are relatively inexpensive, contain the chins safely, and keep your baseboards and other goodies safe.

You can even make one yourself out of cardboard if you don't want to buy one. If you do a search on here, there are lots of pictures.
Oh man so true. I'm scrapping that idea. :) I've tried vinegar (which my guys throughly loved), and I know some other people have tried bitter apple which their's loved. I know someone used aluminum foil before but my guys are super chewers so that would be gone in 2 seconds.

I'm going to go back to cardboard then...2 of my guys can clear the height of the playpens people have :)

Thanks tunes :)
You just need to cover them. All chins can clear the play pens, but if you put a cover over it, they don't bother. You can use a blanket or a sheet and use clothespins to secure it to the top. Or, if you have a Marshall type playpen, then you can buy a canvas cover and bottom for it. I used the canvas covers - they were super easy.
OH! Covering them! Interesting! Thanks :)

Actually, do you have any suggestions to cover baseboards/railings for stairs other than cardboard? I really love my guys going up and down the stairs, I think it's really good excercise for them.
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You can use paper. We tape together pieces and form big sheets and tape those across our doorways with the white tape that comes off easy. I'm sure you could use it for the stairs. We make it high enough so they can't jump out of it. We fold it on the bottom and tape it to the carpet so they don't go under and they leave it alone.
just curious, but do chins even have capsaicin receptors in their mouth? not all animals do...
I also would not want pepper in my nostrils. As I am sure would happen when they sniffed the wood.
You can get masking paper in rolls in various widths and masking tape at an auto body supply store.
They even have a dispenser that'll put the tape on 1 edge, with a cutter, so you can cut it to length.
Similar to a scotch tape dispenser, only much larger.
Long lengths [stairway] would be a two-person, two-minute job with one of these.
just curious, but do chins even have capsaicin receptors in their mouth? not all animals do...

I have no idea, and that was my first question when I read this post. If it's something that a number of people have done and that's why it's been talked about--I would assume so because otherwise you'd be banking on the fact that the chin just really doesn't like the taste of peppers. And peppers taste like spicy and water, so...
OH! Covering them! Interesting! Thanks :)

Actually, do you have any suggestions to cover baseboards/railings for stairs other than cardboard? I really love my guys going up and down the stairs, I think it's really good excercise for them.

The baseboards, and a large portion of our walls are permanently covered with fleece.