Donating Bone Marrow.

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Diva Chins

I'm thinking about becoming a bone marrow donor. The closest place they have where I can go in and talk to them face to face is in Madison NC, about 19 miles away. I don't want it to interferre with my taking care of the chins, so I was thinking about having my friend come to stay IF I am unable to care for them for a few days.
Has anyone ever done this? Did it make it harder to care for your chins til it healed or were you perfectly fine afterwards?
This is something I'd really like to do at least once, but I'll have to go in and see if they'll let me. I'm just worried that it might make it hard for me to care for the chins the first few days afterwards and if that's the case I'll have to make arrangements for my friend to come over.
I've heard that it is very painful, but that was years ago. It may be better these days.

I'd really really like to do it, but I'm scared. I'm kind of a complainer when it comes to pain, but I imagine they'd give me SOMETHING for pain, you know? I really want to do it in Deonna's memory, she was an organ donor and saved a lot of lives, it's important to me, I'd be willing to go through the pain, but I don't want to be on bed rest or anything for more than 3 days.
I know they took bone marrow to test, when I had cancer - it only hurt for a minute, as they took it from the hip - uncomfortable for about 3 days, was all!
I know they take some to classify, and I thought they only took an amount if you are a match to someone in need - didn't know it could be stored.
Congratulations for willing to be a donor, and thanks!
I know they took bone marrow to test, when I had cancer - it only hurt for a minute, as they took it from the hip - uncomfortable for about 3 days, was all!
I know they take some to classify, and I thought they only took an amount if you are a match to someone in need - didn't know it could be stored.
Congratulations for willing to be a donor, and thanks!

Thank ya Rick, making me feel special. I figure as long as it's something my body can regenerate, why not? I mean, I'd be a little worried to donate a kidney incase one of mine went kaput on me, but this could be awesome and from what I've read, one bone marrow transplant can reboot the entire immune system and do wonders. I'm going to call the place tomorrow and see when I could come in and talk to them, get them to test me and all that. I'm thinking at this point I should still get my friend to come over and babysit the chins just in case it hurts more than I think it will. I want to be on the safe side and have someone here who knows basic chin care (I've actually got her to sit down and read tons of threads on CnQ before, and I'm sure if she has any questions that I can't be reached for (Such as sleeping) she can post here.
The main office called me back today, they said it wouldn't be as painful as I think, that I'd be uncomfortabe for a few days but that's it. I'm all for it!
Good for you. I think it is awesome that you are doing this.
Good for you. I think it is awesome that you are doing this.

I just called my mom and told her about it, she said we might do it together! I'm so happy, I was trying to talk another friend into doing it too but she's not interested unless paid...It kinda bugs me that she has such disreguard for human life, but that's the way she was raised. I'm actually kind of proud of myself, I've been saying I'd do something like this for years and now I finally have the chance. So, they might just get a 2 for 1 package with me and mom, she might be able to talk some people she works with into it too! I'm stoked, might end up riding that way this weekend if they're open on weekends. This is a nice way to preserve Deonna's memory and do something special for her. If they decide to use my marrow for someone, I'll be sure to get some pics of what it looks like afterwards so maybe other people will be inspired to do it too.
You can tell your friend that, I believe, they do compensate you for travel or missed work, if you're registering as a donor, but you'll have to find out when you get there!
The initial insertion of the needle is the painful part, but I think they gave me a topical pain killer first, a little sore while driving home, and then I forgot about it - not at all as bad as it sounds!
I may be confused on who this is (sorry about that!) but don't you have a medical illness that would preclude you from donating? How would it affect your health or the person you donate to?