What type of Chinchilla food do you feed?

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Mazuri, but thinking of switching to something else now that the boys are both adults. There's been a lot of calcium build up in their litter pan, and I'm thinking a switch in pellets now might help me avoid kidney problems down the line. (They're on Oxbow timmy hay + the Mazuri, no cuttle bone in the cage.)
I feed oxbow because there is a store literally up the street that sells it...it isn't that cheap though...5lb bag for 13 bucks...I've been thinking about switching to mazuri because I can order it off here for close to half the price...

but I will admit I am happy with my oxbow :D
My girl gets Rancher's Choice. So far its been recommended to me by a few breeders and ranchers, and it smells great and Cinder does wonderfully on it too! I've had her on it for almost 5 years now. :)
I have fed Zippy Mazuri pellets since he was 12 weeks old. He had a severe case of GI statis in September and lost 85 grams of weight. He is still eating Mazuri, but I can't seems to get him to gain any weight. I tried mixing mazuri and oxbow, but he picks thru and only eats the mazuri. I am going to order some PANR soon and try mixing that with his mazuri. Everyone seems to have good luck gaining weight with PANR, maybe he will too.
I am switching from Tradition to PANR now because our Selma mill closed :( I have noticed that despite my attempts to make it a gradual switch, the chins are picking out the Panr and tossing the tradition...grrr. I am hoping that it will be just as good.
I feed PANR & so far (out of mazuri, oxbow, and tradition) it's the most liked around here. My chinchillas are all nice and round and it's the only food that they ALL finish. No more half pellets or thrown away pellets!
mazuri all the way here. I have good luck with it and it seems to be a lot easier to get my hands on.
I use Mazuri here. Never had soft poo problems.

One chin gets Oxbow, but that's cause that's all he'll eat and he's got too many issues to make him switch to anything else.
I began feeding Mazuri, switched to Tradition, had some great weight gain in my chins. When the Tradition mill here shut down, I started looking for PANR and found a store that's willing to special order it for me. After I switch them fully to it after the switch 'recipe', I can let you know.
Before you all think i'm mad and inventing types of food, I'm in the uk.
I feed my boys and Beaphar Care + Chinchilla food. The Chins love it and it's mega crunchy - the downside? it's the most exensive Chin food you can buy over here. it costs about $12 per 1.5kg (£8) it's also not widely avaliable. And if you've got more than two Chins, it's more economical to feed something else.
Izzie is currently on Riedstra milled pellets (from the ranch I got her from), but I'm mostly likely going to swap her over to PANR soon. I just have to make sure the feed store my parents live by can get it in too, for the summer months...
I just swtiched to PANR last month and am very happy with it. I've noticed a difference in her energy and the amount of food she eats. She's also gotten bigger! I've got a happy healthy chin!
I feed Teurlings and Bunny KnabberHügel. I'm not sure if they are available in US, so here's some nutrition details:

Teurlings Chinchilla: protein 18 %, fat 4 %, vitamin A 20000 IE/kg, vitamin D 1200 IE/kg, vitamin E 40 mg/kg, P 0,67 %, Ca 1,07 %, Ca/P 2:1,2, dietary fiber 15 %, dietary minerals 10 %.
Bunny KnabberHügel Kräuter Chinchilla: protein 18 %, fat 2,7 %, vitamin A 17600 IE/kg, vitamin D 2000 IE/kg, vitamin E 60 mg/kg, P 0,6 %, Ca 1,2 %, Ca/P 2:1, dietary fiber 18 %, dietary minerals 8,5 %.

Our girls seem to enjoy having two different kind of feeds: the other comes in small "grains" and the other in quite large chunks. And the taste seems to be different, too. :)
We feed pen pals. I used it years ago before I knew anyone fed it, got told it wasnt appropriate so switched to PANR. I didnt like the results in my chins so went back to pen pals and love the results in my chins.

Hey and you also get a free bag every 10th bag.
I feed PANR (Show). I tried Manna Pro but it was a struggle to get, plus driving 45 mins one way.
I was on bad, bad junk-filled Kaytee. Then I learned my lesson on CnQ and transitioned into Mazuri. My chinnie had better poo as soon as he was fully on Mazuri, and his water intake improved too.
Mazuri. I switched Idgie to Mazuri when I adopted her from Kaytee and she has done well on it ever since.