You Know You're A Chinchilla Owner When...

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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every time i see a chin holding his arm close to his body, i panic thinking he lost a limb or injured his hand.

I think they caught on and just tease me with it now :p
When we added the chiller tiles everyone did what we call the "dead chinchilla" position. We kept poking them out of concern and they'd just look at us annoyed and go back to laying in some weird position on or partially on the tile.
when, in whichever room you have your chinchilla, either the baseboards or any other furniture (the legs primarily) have been chewed and nibbled up to about a foot off the ground. :p
Yup thats me! I threw all my clothes into a 21 inch box my closethe is all chinchilla stuff (Aside a animal poster I'm giving away) I normally shop at petco and get frustrated I freak out over the smallet of things (He randomly had a mood swing like he forgot who I was after I hugged him but I might have just touched him in the wrong spot) They broke every wheel I gave them and I'm spending pretty much every dollar I can on then because that's how much I love them!... I'm also new here so go easy on me =3
You know your a chin owner when...
-your friends/family ask why you have pieces of cardboard and/or fleece along the walls
-discover little poos in the most random places
-spend most of your pay cheques on chinchilla supplies
-your more excited about redecorating your chinchillas cage than your own home
hahahah same here. My chinchilla is my baby so I want everything that reminds me of him. The ONLY thing that I found that is chinchilla related and easy to find is if you search Totoro. Apparently it's a chinchilla cartoon. I searched this iphone holder and got it off ebay along with the headcushion. it really does look like a chinchilla just in cartoon form. <-head cushion and iphone 5 cushion

Sorry for bumping such an old thread, but apparently there is a cartoon with chinchillas, which is a Japanese animated series of the 70s, even though they used wrong sfx

I’ve been reading these comments for a while, laughing and nodding in agreement that yep, you’re a hedgie owner (or owned by a hedgie, lol) if you do this...
Yes, I check poops everyday as a health indicator.
Last thing each night I tell my rescue herd I love them, goodnight, see you in the morning.
First thing each morning I say “Good morning little ones.” Than check, especially new rescues and those with health issues, to see if they’ve eaten during night, healthy poi’s, other signs of activity levels.
Other signs you’re a hedgie or chin person:
Arrived late or left early from family gatherings because your critters had a special need.
Shop specific fabric prints (fleece for blankets, cotton for snuggle bags) because it compliments your critters personality.
Tell guests they have to keep voices down, hedgies are sleeping.
Turn lights down by a specific time so your hedgies are more comfortable coming out to eat and explore ( being most active nocturnally, lol).
This is just a little funny list that a thought of. Everyone, feel free to reply and add more reasons to the list! All the statements on the list below certainly apply to me as a chin owner! P.S. Moderators, if you think this would be better suited for the chit chat section, please move it, thanks!

You Know You're A Chin Owner When....
1. You have a panic attack when the temperature creeps above 70 degrees
2. You have a fierce allegiance to one of the "Big 3" food brands (Mazuri, Oxbow, Tradition)
3. You know exactly what your chinchilla's favorite wood is
4. Receiving chinchilla supplies as a Christmas/Birthday present is 10 times better than getting a new gadget or piece of jewelry
5. You're either team fleece, team shavings, or team Carefresh
6. Your bedroom/closet/basement/etc. has been transformed into a chinchilla supplies storage room (I currently have 34lbs of food, 3lbs of hay, 10 lbs of dust, and 1lb of apple wood all stored in my bedroom closet!)
7. You cringe when you overhear a pet store employee recommending things like Kaytee Fiesta food and plastic toys to a new chin owner
8. You've started referring to plastic hamster balls as "death balls"
9. You have a love/hate relationship with Petsmart/Petco
10. You've had to cancel a "night out on the town" with friends because you have to stay home and "clean the cages."
11. You're always saving up for a new wheel or saucer
12. You know putting together a Critter/Ferret Nation is an absolute NIGHTMARE (especially the Critter Nation)
13. You live in constant fear that one day you're Bass Pans will develop the dreaded irreversible urine smell
14. You often find a stray chinchilla poop in the most random places
15. Finally, you know you're a chin owner when.... you realize YOU ARE ADDICTED TO CHINS-N-HEDGIES :dance3:
Lol why is this so true lol

you should make one you know your friend is a chinchilla owner! Lol

btw I can totally relate toReceiving chinchilla supplies as a Christmas/Birthday present is 10 times better than getting a new gadget or piece of jewelry lol literally me!!!
You know your a chinchilla owner when...

1. You have nicknamed your chinchillas
2. Come home from school and the first thing you do is come and say “I’m back!”
3. In the morning and night you always tell them good morning and good night
4 You constantly ask your parents to go to the pet store to get you new toys or supplies!
5 when you freak out because your chinchilla is laying on its side!!
1. Everything reminds you of your chinchilla
2. You mention your chinchillas name and your parents cover their ears! (because you talk about them so much)
3. You wake up at 4 or so In the morning, just to check on them!
5. Minuites seem like hours! (when you are waiting for your chinchilla to wake up)
6. When your friends walk in your room and ask why there is chinchilla poop on your floor and you explain it's for decoration!😂
7.When you naturally, yet by accident say"good night" to your family when you wake up and good morning when you get in bed (because you say that to your chin since he is crepuscular😊)

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