Whos chins bang and pull on cage doors when wanting out???

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011
My chin gets touchy and continues to rattle the latch on the cage doors like a crazed chinchilla!!

she is I guess angry and impatient but I am sick so shes not getting out until I am recovered....so shes giving the evil eye lol...even with plenty of new toys she just got she is uninterested in those bang bang rattle lemmi out!!! its really odd as she chooses to sit right at the door where she gets let out in that one spot

whos got chins that will bang ...pull....try to jimmy the locks open with twigs and stick ect...
I have 2 a mom and daughter that will pull the 2 latches. I have a pear hook at the bottom of the latch that way they can't get out. They both will empty out the pellets, and then they will attack the coop cups until it falls to the bottom of the pan.
There's a vice grips on the cage door to prevent excess banging and escaping. Zoidberg likes to try to make as much noise as he can to get our attention.
My chins don't make to much noise with their bars. For a while they were grinding their teeth on them instead of other things, but that has stopped.

Now my ferrets on the other hand.... Thats a whole different story!
They grip their cage bars and pull so hard and so long, I'm afraid they are going to pull a tooth out! Noisy too!
In my chin's old cage he would actually somehow bang the door until it loosened. He escaped a couple times until we pulled out the good ol' bungie cord. It's funny because he never did it in front of a person - we'd only hear it from another room. I didn't figure out what he was doing until I stuck a camera in front of his cage and waited. hohoho caught him!
I know I never knew a chin could bang and rattle the door so much!!!! she did get out once when we first got her....I didnt even think she would open the door I blamed everyone in the house that they must have left a latch undone until I saw with my own eyes that she opened the bottom latch since then she gets double latches and lock down!
One of mine learned how to open her cage doing this. Had to switch cages to one that had a stronger latch.
My chin rattles the cage with his hands and teeth and gets all bouncy and excited when my fiance is close to his cage. He really hates my fiance, he bites him every chance he gets. We have a rule now that he's not allowed closer than a foot near the cage or he stirs the chinchilla's bloodlust just looking at him!

My chin is one of those who is loving to me while he's in his cage but when I go to take him out he panics. He likes actually being out once all the drama of my catching him is done. Little booger. But no, he doesn't ask to be let out.
Haha! I knew Charm couldn't possibly be the only one!

I always felt bad that I made her so miserable because she wanted to be "wild and free!" So I've been building up an amazing cage for her but to no avail.
My chin knows the taste of freedom as well... He will leap out the door the first chance he can squeeze his little self past my hand. Luckily, both times in the past two days he's jumped onto me and I put him back (will he figure out that if I put him back that jumping onto me does not equal playtime outside the cage? He gets outside time at least twice a day, but when I say it's playtime). In his current cage he checks all the doors to see if he can get out. I'm worried that his ferret nation that is being delivered tomorrow will be TOO easy for him to try and allocate himself out of cage time. At least he's adorable trying...
my chin attempts to chew her way out of her cage, constantly biting the bars of her cage... im assuming this is a somewhat normal behavior if not please let me know of any remedies to stop the habit...
My Cesare hasn't started banging and rattling the doors yet but when he wants out he starts leaping up towards the latch and giving us puppy dog eyes. If we don't let him out he starts squeaking...

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