What the heck is this?

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Active member
Sep 27, 2015
This is something Olive does from time to time, it happens most often when she seems "confident" (ie letting me touch her or wanting out of her cage). She sort of hugs my hand/fingers but doesn't really do anything with them. Anyone know what this is??


Thanks in advanced.
Did you have something that smelled on your hands like lotion, onions, garlic, cig smoke or the such? Its a reaction to something that smelled, usually just females do it. Its too cute!
Oh, my girl does that to my hubby all the time, it is so so cute to watch, she'd walk into his fingers and cuddle them like the video, then sort of back away and walk into them again, absolutely adorable, been wondering what it meant.
Thanks Dawn.
It's so great you got this on video! Our oldest male use to do that before he hit puberty, and stopped after that. He would only do it with my husband's hands, so it seemed he really liked his smell. We attributed his behavior to puberty because it slowly started changing into him becoming more and more talkative and "frisky". Do you think that could have something to do with it with your chin?
Thanks for responses guys! I don't typically have any smells on my hands (lotions, smoke, perfumes), but I think I've figures out, she enjoys her belly scratched! It's my favorite thing when she does this! I'm glad other people know what I'm talking about!