What do you keep in your chinchilla binder?

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2012
North Carolina
I've really been wanting to start a "Chinchilla Binder" lately, but I'm not sure where to start. I know I am going to organize the local exotic vets information (I am lucky to have several very close to where I live) and I know I want to print out the majority of the links from the "Health and Hygiene FAQs" thread. But what else should I put in there? I plan on getting a digital kitchen scale so I can start weighing Abbey and keep track of that in the binder, but I can't seem to find one big enough for her to fit on!

What kinds of things do you have in your chinchilla binder? What do you keep track of, besides weight? How do you organize all of the information neatly? (How did you decorate it!? :D )

And since this is kind of along the same lines, where (in what) do you keep your first aid kit? I want to start putting one of those together too.
I have a folder with vet records for all of them, emergency and regular vet info, weights, instructions for my room mate or whoever is watching them when I can't, medicinal instructions if necessary, supplies they have/use....
We keep our first aid kit in a large zippered pouch with our emergency evacuation supplies. I keep everything bagged up and stored in a large Thirty-One utility tote in the closet by their carriers. I rotate out pellets and hay every three months.