What are you getting your loved ones for Christmas?

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Aug 4, 2010
Brighton, MA
I'm trying to figure out what to get my boyfriend this year, but so far I haven't come up with anything creative! I bought my dad the first season to Breaking Bad (he's a chemistry professor) and my mom some Clinique lotion that she loves...still working on gifts for everyone else though.

So what are you guys all giving this year? I wish I could make some of my gifts but I'm artistically challenged unfortunately!
Same, I have no idea what to get my bf yet, men are so hard to buy for.

Leaving the present shopping to the last minute, as usual ;)
I just finished shopping for my husband. Beavis and Butthead pajama pants, a Canadian Breakfast Stout snifter, custom made pint glasses for his home brewery, an official book to record his beer tastings and this rare Guinness artwork that I know he will love. Yeah, my husband is a bit of a beer lover :p
I've informed everyone if they do not give me a specific list of desired presents, they will be getting nothing. So far it's worked and I now know exactly what everyone wants and I don't have to deal with thinking up something awesome :idea:
I got my bf a new coffee maker, some new PJ pants, tshirts, new headphones and two chin figurines holding Xbox controllers from Gabby88. Lol.

LOL @ the chin figurines. That sounds too cute! If I were to do that, Gabby would have to figure out what a Ka-Bar was and maybe some kind of obscure car part for my bf to enjoy that.

I'll probably give my brother money as usual. Parents...no idea. And I'm still trying to figure out what to give my bf...car parts may be involved. It doesn't sound that exciting to me, but he gets giddy over them. Men...LOL!
Being single on the holidays is the best money saving venture i could possibly wish for. bought the mom and dad each new tv's and voila, christmas over!