Update on baby been a week and a half :3

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Oda for peek ahp!
May 22, 2010
A week in to when she is born she weighed 55g. Now it's been a week and half and now she is 62g! :3 She is growing up into a fine baby girl. And i still don't have a name for her. So far she's very sneaky but fast. Talks alot! haha so anybody have any suggestions for names? Today i took a picture of her in a bowl haha so adorable. She looks just like daddy a tan but with a shade darker from the mid back down from mommy. The Best of both worlds. ;3

How about Genesis since she is your first born

Hmm... that name is awesome for a boy haha but maybe not for a girl. She's a girl but with a name like Genesis i don't know haha but thanks for the suggestion though. I'll keep that name in mind for when they have a baby boy. =)
Beautifull baby!
I'll go and suggest a name that doesn't start with a letter G. I've always loved name Aino wich in Finland is used often with the first/only daughters name.