UGH!! Need to get this off my chest...

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Lovin' da Chinnies!
Jul 25, 2010
Kent, WA
My step-dad is the world's biggest D-Bag right now. I supposedly can't use "his" washer and dryer to wash the chins fleece anymore. I also can't use "his" shop vac for quick cleans in between full cleans. Supposedly he's giving me my last "warning" and if I don't stop, I'm gonna have to get rid of my chins... Um yeah All I can say is $%&* you! :hair: I made a lifelong commitment to my chins and just because you throw a hissy fit doesn't mean I'm getting rid of my chins. I'd much rather put him up for sale to see how much he goes for!:tease:

Sorry for the random rant... but I'm so frustrated I just want to scream!!
When you live in someone's house, you follow their rules. When you have your own house, then you can do what you want. <shrugs>
Unfortunately, if you put him up for sale, they would most likely pay YOU to keep him! :neener:

What is it lately with some of ya'll guys' parent/step-parents and them having hissy fits about the chins and what goes along with them..Must be some thing in the water where ya'll are at! :tease:

I am sorry to hear about how he is acting about it all though..I totally understand how it is making you feel. My dad acted the same way when I told him I had to have the air conditioning up no higher than 75 for the 2 whole days I was visiting. But once I explained it all to him, as to why and all that, he understood and now we have an agreement that I pay a few dollars for the electric bill. Maybe if you offer to pay a few dollars for the washer usage he will be more amenable.
Yeah I've offered that... but he refuses so I guess I'll just troop over the laundry mat a few times a week to wash a couple of liners. I have my own washer/dryer set in storage and am wondering if maybe we could swap them out, so they're not "ruining" his washer and dryer. Mind you, I soak the fleece in diluted vinegar water first and just use the washer with a little bleach to get them rinsed.

And Tunes, yeah I understand it's his house... believe me he never lets me forget it. I guess I'm just frustrated with him treating me like I'm 10 instead of 21.

Thanks for the support guys!
That's a good idea about the washing machine and dryer. It couldn't hurt to ask and if he says no, then it's off to the laundromat or hand wash them..
You could try washing them in a sink or tub. I don't know how effective that is with fleece liners.

Also, I got a really good vacuum at walmart for under $40 and have an old dust buster, but if you could spare $40 then you can use the attachments to do quick vacuums around the cage and for the weekly cage cleaning as well. I just read all the reviews to figure out which one I wanted (It's a Bissell Powerforce--bagged). You have to buy bags but I think they have the same model bagless for the same price or a few bucks difference.
Some people are just plain selfish. Life will go on if you use his shop vac and appliances. I'm wondering what the underlying issue is? Sure, it is his house, his washer & dryer, his shop vac. But you're his daughter! It's not like you are costing him that much money.
Yeah thankfully I have a Hoover vacuum that I took out of storage to use. It does the job pretty well just takes a little longer! And Stevie... I've been wondering the same thing about an underlying issue. I pay him $200 a month for rent/food/whatever.
some people don't want pee /poo'd on stuff put in the washer where they wash their clothes. Not everyone is a pet person
I would use a broom and dust pan to clean up after the chinnies or get your own shop vac. And I would take the fleece to the laundromat. Are you sure you aren't leaving a mess of poop pellets in the washer and/or forgetting to clean out the shop vac after you use it?
You could try washing them in a sink or tub. I don't know how effective that is with fleece liners.

Actually, it is very effective if you scrub the right way and hard enough. My toothy chin, Herby, always has stains from her CC and what not on her fleece pillows, liners, etc and the washer does not always get them out, so I hand wash her fleece. I use hot water, with a tsp or so of detergent and scrub the way they did when there were no washing machines ( courtesy of my grand mother, who hand washed everything ). I then rinse with cold water to make sure all the soap is out and rinse again with hot water and then ring them until they are damp and hang outside on the clothesline until dry. I use a baking soda paste on the really tough stains, as this is the only thing I have found that gets them out.
the question is why doesn't he want you to? Are you not shaking them off well enough before washing and clogging the drains? I heard the same from marshall (my husband) after the 3rd time chinchilla stuff clogged the pump and he had to fix it. and I had to get after him because he doesn't empty the shop vac when he is done borrowing mine. You need to try tp understand thier point of view as well. And when you live with someone else you need follow rules
There's no way my dad would've let me use the washer and dryer at his house to wash fleece liners or the like for my animals. My dad is not a pet person and while he is very kind to animals, he is also very, very clean. (When our family had a dog, he would vacuum the whole house twice a day.) And he would not want to put hairy, pooped-on animal bedding in his washer and dryer. Whether or not I agree with him, I wouldn't argue because it's his stuff, and if he doesn't want me using it for a certain purpose, that's his prerogative. Washers and dryers are expensive, and getting them repaired because they're clogged with animal hair or droppings is time-consuming and can also be expensive.

I do understand how you feel; I often felt like I was being unfairly treated when I was living at home and my parents said "no" when I wanted to use their stuff for my animals, but now when I look back, I understand why they didn't allow some things.

Your parents are allowing you to keep your animals on their property; this is especially important to remember if you don't think that they would have chosen to have those animals themselves if you weren't around. They don't HAVE to allow you to use their appliances or other belongings for your animals. You just have to grin and bear it until you can get your own place and make your own rules.
ugh, I know how you feel. Luckily my parents are pretty accepting of animals. Not being able to use my washer to wash their liners would frustrate me too, if you're being really careful and clean about it then I don't see the big deal! It's annoying when it turns into the whole ~my house~ thing.
Yeah I shake them extra good before they go in to the washer... there is no hay or spare poops or anything on them. I usually soak them in diluted vinegar water first then throw them in the washer. I guess my issue is that he has been fine with me using the washer and dryer for the past few months for these things and today flips out. It's like... uh well I got your permission a couple months ago to do this... and you said yes... so now I can't! I'm confused! I haven't ever clogged the drain or anything, so I know that shouldn't be an issue. I can agree with you all that have pointed out about having the urine/feces issue, although I do find it hypocritical of him since he works for the cities waste water dept. and washes all his work clothes at home.

But I do agree.... it's his house and I have to respect his rules. It's just hard to do that when the rules change on a daily basis to suit his whims!
That does suck. My parents were the same way when I had the chins at their place, about what I could and could not use for cleaning the chin supplies, what hours of the night I was forbidden to use the shop vac (they're light sleepers), and so on. It does suck, but whatcha gonna do?

I still don't have my own washing machine and dryer... and besides the fact that I have a ton of cages and I'm not sure I'd want to be washing liners every few days.... .the fact that I don't have my own machines are part of the reason why I've never tried out liners. I couldn't guarantee that (when I lived with my parents) they'd let me use their washer/dryer, and I can hardly find time to wash my own clothes when I'm down to my last sock now that I'm on my own (I continually procrastinate doing the laundry), so getting to the laundromat several times a week? Not happening, at least not for me. Kudos if you can do it though.
yea my mom complained a few times because chin hair, hay, etc was getting all over in the washer and dryer even though i was shaking them pretty good..
I thoroughly vacuum all the liners and hammocks before putting them into the washer- I use a brush extension to get rid of the hair, after getting rid of the more solid items ;)
So far, I've been able to wash my black silk shirts right after the liners, without getting any gunk on them...
So maybe try that if the cleanliness of the liners/washer is an issue.
Good luck!
I remember from my laundromat days that they usually have a few "heavy duty" washers that are intended for really dirty work clothes. I think that they might be a good place to do your chin laundry...:thumbsup:
If your dad does let you use the washer and dryer again but has complained about stuff in the filter or something, use a lint roller on the liner. That's what I do before I wash anything fleece. I shake it out then lint roll it, then wash it.