Two questions about mom and kit.

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Sep 23, 2010
Hello again I know i've posted before about my kit but I was just curious if a kit is born by itself and is only 38grams but keeps at a constant 36grams could she just be slow at growing or even a little premature though she was born fully furred eyes open? she's a happy little thing, tail up, chirping at me or at her mom. Even with the hand feeding and mom I'm just worried about her being two weeks old today and still the same weight

My other question is, not that I am going to breed nova again but if her first litter she had trouble producing milk would she have the same issue the next time. .

Any opinions would be apperciated.
Some moms don't produce milk well with their first litter and do fine after that. I have let moms go with a second litter to see, and if they don't produce on the second one, they are pulled from breeding.

As far as the little one, 38 gm is somewhat small for a kit in general, let alone a 2 week old; however, some kits are just slower than heck to get started. If she's eating, pooping, tail up, running around - then there's nothing else you can do but wait and see. She may very well surprise you and one day just take off with the gaining. I've had it happen a couple times before. I would keep supplementing her with hand fed formula with a higher bit of cereal in it and ride it out.
Well at first I had her on esbailc goats milk that I watered down.
Then i found the actual goats milk I was looking for (stil the same name brand but slightly different ingredients . and once I followed the directions I found on here me and my sister started the every two hour feedings. .for the first day I could only get her to eat maybe two 1ml syringes a day. . if that because she was not fond of it at first like most. then day two we tried the same thing. .about the same results even up to about two days ago.

For about the last two days she doesn't want to eat much of the mixture. My sister said she got her to eat a whole 1 ml syringe around 6 tonight which to me was a shock. .she doesn't really like to eat in the mornings but evenings she will eat more and then that was alot. .With the amount she's eating from me and my sister I beileve nova (the mother) is producing some milk just not enought to sustain her fully. . she dropped to 32grams the day i started to hand feed her and she's a stable 36-38 grams. we got her up and I added the half a cup of water and apple juice to helpthe mother, the baby does love the apple juice to though.
Are you using fresh goats milk? I find mine like the fresh goats milk waaaay better than the canned. I only use powdered in a pinch when I have nothing else until I can get to the store.
Unfortunately I don't have access to fresh goats milk. I"ve been using the canned stuff you get from the tractor store or petsmart. . but the first can I got I bought from work that's canned and is used for newborns. I made the amount and froze the rest i'd use later in an ice cube tray and covered it up.
My dad said it would probley be better to get a goat with how much the cans cost and better for her but even if I could I don't have the space to buy a goat. lol
Do you have a Wal-Mart nearby? They carry Meyenburg fresh goats milk. A lot of stores are carrying it now. It would be worth calling around to see if anyone carries it. I don't know what you are using, but if it's from Petsmart I would wonder about it being palatable for kits. The only stuff I've seen at TSC is either powdered goats milk or KMR. Truly, the fresh could make all the difference. My hand fed kits eat double the fresh over what they eat of the canned, even the Meyenburg canned.
I do and I will take that as advice if I decide to breed at a later time .. but sadly my Little loki just passed away today. I was at when work my sister called and told me she wasn't acting right and within the hour she passed. I buried her next to my other chin i just lost a few months ago before I got her parents. My family is really bummed she was such a little enchantriess.
I am soooo sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how devastating that must be for you especially after trying so hard to do the right thing by Loki. Try and take comfort in the fact that Loki is happily at peace probably bouncing around happily with Neko over the rainbow bridge...