trembling, weight and fur loss?

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Well-known member
May 7, 2013
L.A area
Hi guys. I'm having an issue with my chinchilla Davy. Lately, he seems to be getting thinner. Around a month or two back, he was weighing in at around 550 grams. I just weighed him right now and he is at 532. He seems to be eating his pellets and hay, although I suppose not as much. He'll eat his calf manna supplements, I give him 3-4 a day, but sometimes I skip a day or two.
My concern isn't only that he is losing weight, he also seems to be losing fur. When I pet him, I can run my hands through his fur and it'll come off. Not in clumps, and there's no bald spots as far as I know. The fur just comes off evenly and it isn't as soft to the touch anymore.
Also, there are times when I hold him and I can feel him trembling gently. He only has one eye, and I noticed that when he trembles his eye twitches as well. When he's out of his cage for playtime he'll just sit still and I can tell hes trembling because of his eye. Occasionally, he'll sneeze or grunt in his cage as well.
Does all this sound familiar to anyone, is it cause for concern? I'm worried he might be sick. I want to take him to the vet but I won't be able to until January because I'm literally broke.
Please help :eek:
There's not much we can tell you here- we aren't vets and we can't properly diagnose him as a vet can. It absolutely sounds like a cause for concern- anytime there is significant weight loss there should be concern. Fur loss could be due to disease, illness, malnutrition, lack of grooming that could be caused by any of those, etc. It sounds like maybe teeth issues, maybe some other systemic problem, it could be anything but he needs to see a vet ASAP. If you can't afford it, try applying for Care Credit. January is too long for a sick chin to wait.
What is care credit and how do I get it?
And I know you guys aren't vets. I wanted to know if anyone experienced a similar issue, or could refer me to another question that had similar concerns.
Geez, this website has changed a lot. So often I see posts with tons of views but no response. What's happening?

Most likely no one replied to this thread because they just didn't have any good advice to offer or knew what to tell you. It was also only posted 4-5 hours ago. Every chin is an individual and your chin needs to see a vet to get a diagnosis and treatment. From there we may be able to offer more advice. I can't recall of any other posts to compare your chin's symptoms to. It could just simply be too many things for us to tell.
I'm very closed to Pasadena and perhaps you can pm me with picture of your chin before and after getting sick. There is a pretty good exotic vet in Pasadena. The exam fee should be around $60.

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