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Miss Kay Rocks!
Dec 26, 2012
Longview Texas
I'm looking for some different treats for Miss Kay, but pretty much everything I'm seeing is dipped in yogurt. Is that hedgie safe? She likes mealworms and papaya, but not much on veggies.
Most of the store-bought treats marketed toward hedgies and/or other small animals aren't necessarily all that great for them. Think more along the lines of fresh fruit like bananas, apples, pears, kiwis, strawberries, watermelon, cantelope, or blueberries. You need to cut them up into little hedgie-bite sized pieces. And if you're hedgie is big on anointing, you should also prepare for a messy hedgie!

Quick note: stay away from grapes. Grapes are bad. Renal failure dead hedgie kind of bad.

Mealies are great. Glad she likes those. You could try other insects like crickets or waxworms. Don't get the freeze dried crickets (can cause impaction/intestinal blockage) or the canned ones (smell horrible and don't keep well after you've opened the can). Waxies are a bit higher in fat than the mealies, so you don't want to go crazy with them. But great as treats here and there.

Mine (except Bella) have loved baby food fruits and veggies like squash and sweet potato. They liked peas, carrots, and a few others too. They have all enjoyed the meat baby foods like turkey and chicken. Wet (canned) cat food is great as a treat too.

Think, too, about how you can present the treats in a fun way. Sure mealies in a dish are delightful... But imagine hunting them! You might "hide" them in/around a favorite toy of hers. If she likes playing with toilet paper tubes (seems like everyone's hedgie except the ones in my house love those things), you could put one under the tube, one on top of the tube, one or two in the tube... Make it interesting for hedgie.