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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2009
My chin was just diagnosed with toxoplasma today at the vets after 3 days of diarrhea .does anyone have any experience with it?
The only thing that I know about it is that at one time, when women were pregnant, they are NOT supposed to clean the cat litter boxes because they could get infected with toxoplasmosis from the feces.
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This is why most of us recommend that you keep chins and cats away from each other.
Out of curiosity, are there any other known animals that could spread this to chins?
I meant to reply to this when I first read it but was in the middle of something and forgot until now... I am quite surprised they diagnosed Toxoplasma- was it sent to the lab or diagnosed in house? In house diagnositics very rarely are able to diagnose Toxoplasma as both serological tests and fecal exam usually do not show the parasite. The eggs are extremely small and are generally indistinguishable from other parasitic eggs when viewed under a microscope. So, if they did in house tests, I'd be questioning their diagnosis for sure and would definitely get a second opinion. If the chin was in fact infected with Toxoplasma, it would be exhibiting more neurological signs than just diarrhea.

How is the chin doing? What medication did they give you? Even in dogs and cats, there are no 'approved' treatments for Toxoplasma infection.
I agree with stackie. Its very rare to find toxo in a chin and extrememly hard to diagnose without using a professional lab. There aren't any treatments that will cure it long term in dogs or cats. Its more of a maintain condition. Most times toxo is presented with soft bloody stools and neuroligal symptoms. What is your chin foing besides the soft stool? Do you have any other animals in the house? Where do you get your hay from?
I believe I saw this on fb and she went to get a 2nd opinion with an exotic vet and this chin does not have toxoplasma.

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