Too eager to jump out of cage?

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2012
Hello! Second day of Chin ownership here--Mips continues to seem very comfortable in his cage, he hops all over, nibbles on everything (including his hay and Oxbow!) and there are poops everywhere! He's not skittish at all, and readily runs up to the doors to investigate me.

Yesterday I discovered that he'll sit in my hand, and before long was trotting up my arm to my shoulders (I'm sitting down in front of the first story of his FN; the second story is blocked off because he's only two months old) and before I knew it, had hopped into my lap and then onto the floor. Since he seemed so comfortable with both my presence and his surroundings, I allowed him to explore the room for about five minutes and returned him to his cage by offering him the dust bath and then placing it in his home. But I've discovered that having had a taste of freedom, he's now basically ready to hop out of the cage whenever I open the doors. He'll peek precariously over the edge of the Bass pan side and start putting his front legs out before I block him with my hands, then jump onto my hand and make a beeline for my arm, presumably to reenact his great escape yesterday. Since he's still basically a baby, I'd like to restrict the majority of our bonding mainly to the cage... does anyone have any suggestions for how I should proceed from here?

Thanks in advance!
Tonight, to stop him from just using me as a bridge to escape from his cage, I've taken to basically poking my entire upper torso into the FN (effectly blocking off some of the opening with my body) and letting him run all over my arms and hands--I have to admit, he really is remarkably calm and inquisitive, to the extent that I'm actually a little worried since I've read so many accounts of chins being skittish and slow to warm up, haha. Maybe the breeder sold me a wee puppy instead?


Here he is falling asleep in my hands after some acrobatics and scampering all over his cage (pardon the poops)--he seems to enjoy being held when he's feeling sleepy, but not necessarily when he's fully awake. I held my cupped hands in the cage when he was sleepily chewing on his twig, and he waddled over and settled right in. I've noticed that he seems to need mini-naps after about 20-30 minutes of in-cage exploring, then waking up to play, then napping again--risking sounding like an overprotective pet owner, but this is pretty par for the course for younger chins, right?
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It sounds like he's very comfortable with you which doesn't normally happen so quickly. Since he insists on climbing on your arms, just make sure that you're the one in control and restrict him from trying to get out of the cage to explore. You're very fortunate that he's already falling asleep in your hands like that. Just remember to still go slow since he's new. And yes, the napping sounds about right; he's still a baby after all. Have fun and good luck! You have quite a cutie there!
Thank you for the tips! I know I'm incredibly lucky when it comes to Mips' personality and I'm loving every instant of interacting with him when I get up in the morning, and when I come home from work!

He really seem to enjoy sleeping in my hands--he'll actually seek them out when he starts to look groggy (I have my hands in the cage a lot, haha) and settle on top no matter what position my hands are in; palm up, palm down, both hands cupped together, even once when I was making a fist. I sort of wonder whether it's because the tactile feedback of warm skin soothes him? Perhaps he misses snuggling with his mother and siblings? Should I perhaps think about getting him a little fleece bed so he's not just sleeping on the liner?

He makes soft little chirping noises, tries to get back on my hands, and looks confused when my arms inevitably get sore and set down him in his hut--it makes me feel super guilty, haha.
You could get a bed, but he may not necessarily sleep in it. You'll find that chins tend to change sleeping positions ever so often. Maybe a fleece tube and hammock, or maybe a chin buddy, if you want to give him options.
He's absolutely precious. : ) I would say enjoy him while he's like this - my Henry was like that too when he was little, but still went through the typical bratty teenage phase! He's now still a softy and loves a fuss, and I think your Mips will be too, but he's not as prepared to sit still as he was as a baby.
My newest little guy is a lot like yours. He absolutely adored me by day two. He was older when we brought him home, around 10 months, so hopefully yours will stay super friendly too. But I've learned, it's not just me. He loves everybody! He just met a friend of mine for the first time two days ago, and as soon as she walked near the cage, he ran over to her for scritches. I guess some chins are just really trusting and into people. I love that about him, because my girls really could take me or leave me and don't care for anyone else at all. And yes, my super friendly little guy is also very eager to escape. I have to barricade him in one half of the FN while I clean and fill hay and food so he won't make a break for it!
Thank so much for sharing your experiences :) Mips is friendly towards my husband but less content to just sit still in his hands--I'm hoping that he remains a sweetie even after his teenage years, but I'm happy to just be a part of his life as he grows into his personality!
Is there any reason why you aren't wanting to give him playtime yet? I know he's young, but you could limit it to 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night, without overtiring him. That's what I'm doing with my new baby, although she is 4.5 months old already. I did that with Evie Jane as well, though, and I got her at 10 weeks.

Babies have a LOT of energy, and without a wheel they need another way to expend some of it. Platyime is healthy in moderation. Just don't let him overtire himself. And of course, make sure he's in a safe environment for it. I like to use the bathroom because it's small contained, and there's not a lot of stuff to pick up to make it safe.
I'm limiting playtime according to the advice that I've come across on this forum, my understanding is that they need the calories to grow at their age and that playtime should be limited until they're about 6 months. (someone correct me in the case of massive reading comprehension fail) I'm also trying to discourage the concept that human near cage doors = GET READY TO MAKE A DASH FOR IT!! When I open the cage now, instead of trying to jump out immediately, he'll hop onto my hands first and I'll elevator him up to his ledges and perches--he seems to enjoy it enough for now to repeat until he gets sleepy :) I'll probably start allowing him progressively longer adventures in his room (we're fortunate enough to have an extra room that he has all to himself) in about a week or two, when I'm sure that he's settled in comfortable enough with his new home.

Thank you for sharing your experiences!
I've just recently started seeing new people on here saying babies shouldn't have playtime until 6 months old. I disagree. I've been on forums for seven years and never heard anyone with any experience say that before.
Babies will over-exert themselves, so yes, you have to watch them carefully and limit their playtime, but they do need to expend energy...
10 or 15 minutes at a time is fine.
I agree with ^. I got Buddha at 10 weeks, and he always had limited play time. I think it did a lot for our bonding. He loved being able to run around in the bathroom or in the playpen (with me sitting inside). He loved being able to hop and jump on me, and I think that was what made him comfortable with me. Now he loves being held, and riding around on my shoulder. I think the play time with me was good for him.
Its the difference between respected breeders and pet owners, the breeders do what is best for their kits, the pet owners do what they want when they want. Its not just new people, its respected breeders who say this, I could cut and paste who they are and what they said but frankly when it comes to pet owners, they do what they want so to go on about it is falling on deaf ears.