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Charged By Chins.
Jun 13, 2011
New York, NY

I'm not exactly sure what category this fits under, but I'll just put it here...

I had a tonsillectomy 2 days ago, and I was wondering if anyone here has gotten their tonsils removed and wanted to share some words of wisdom?

The pain has been pretty bad so far, and I'm not looking forward to the next few days when the scabs really start to form.

So if anyone has gotten a tonsillectomy, feel free to share your experiences!
I have not had one, but my son had a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy done a year ago. My son was 13 and was quite the trooper for the whole process. I don't think he even stayed on the pain medication more than just a few days. He wanted to get back to school asap, but it did take a full week to recover before he could go back. I just remember feeding him a lot of mushy, soft food, and a lot of icecream and jello is easy to go down. It's a good time to be spoiled. I'm thinking a milk shake might help!

Good luck. You should really start to feel a lot better in a few days.
Thanks for your reply! I'm not allowed to have ice cream or much with dairy because it can create mucus and will not be good for my throat...
I'm also not allowed to go to school or do anything for 2 weeks as ordered by my doctor because there is a risk of bleeding that could be apparently fatal.
The same words of caution were given to us, but they cauterize the throat and there is very little risk for bleeding after a few days. My son was up and around after a few days, but too sore to go to school for a week. They gave him 2 weeks to recover, but I guess he is a quick healer, and he didn't want to miss that much school. We weren't told he couldn't have ice cream. But you could always do popsicles. That would be another yummy way to soothe your throat.
My sister (who's 30) will be getting her tonsils out next week. If you can't have ice cream, you could do sorbet. They also make soy "ice cream" which isn't too bad. Though I've only ever had the soy ice cream sandwiches, so the cookie might have helped. :p