Timothy Seed Heads - Are They Treats?

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Student of my chinchillas
Aug 29, 2013
Hi All,
I recently found out that my two chinchillas REALLY love timothy hay seed heads! (They're the fuzzy things that are on the ends of some pieces of timothy hay). My chinchillas will take them straight out of my hand and devour them like they're a favorite treat. However, this has got me wondering, should seed heads be treated as treats or can my chinchillas have as many of them as they like? I was thinking they're probably the same exact composition as the rest of the timothy hay, but I wanted to make sure that the seed heads weren't higher in sugar or other "ingredients" that can cause problems when eaten in excess. Thank you all!
My chins love those too. Very rarely do my chins get real treats. Wood, pumice and hay heads are pretty much it, but they think its great. I don't think there should be any limit on them, as they are included in the hay and your chin is going to eat them anyway.