Teeth check and I get sanded :(

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2010
Salem OR
I do a teeth check every month on all of my guys to make sure their teeth are a healthy color and look evenly worn. Last night neither Ezio or Altair wanted to cooperate with this. I get Ezio and check. I put the dust bath down for Altair to hop into so I can check him. What does he do?! He hops out, flinging dust into my mouth and eyes. He made up for it with some nibbles and being good while I checked. Today he just wants me to play with him. Gotta love it!

On a related note...
I know that the teeth are supposed to be a yellowy-orange. Zipper's are perfect! But the babies' are just a yellowy color. Should I worry? I give them each an alfalfa cube every other week. Should I step it up?
Hee, at least he was good once you actually got the chance to check his teeth. Henry is a horror about teeth checks, he always bites me.