switching food?

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As everyone probably already knows....I am getting my first chin on 6/6!!
His current owner is feeding him Kaytee Timothy Complete (Kaytee is BAD...I know!) So I am going to switch him to Oxbow asap!! Do I just gradually make the switch...like each day add less Kaytee and more Oxbow?

I wasn't sure if the is the correct/preferred method? I do not want to upset his GI tract or make him sick!

A few months ago, I took in two "little" girls ..both were eating VitaKraft ..so I just cold turkey switched them when they were given the option of the two foods ..and THEY chose the Oxbow on their own.

When the food is really crappy.. ahem... not of good quality.. my opinion is that it's perfectly acceptable to switch them immediately. Of course, if you see signs of GI (tummy, etc.) distress ..then you should resort to the gradual approach (and have some of the remedies for the tummy troubles, on hand).

Congratulations on your new "baby"! ;)
I would stock up on probiotics and maybe some Lifeline, and just do a cold switch. Make sure to give him unlimited timothy hay, and he should be fine, as long as he is not a just weaned kit, then I may do the gradual route.
With the rescues that have come here I always just did a cold switch. Thankfully I have never had a problem.
All Kaytee bad?

I've been selling, locally, Kaytee Timothy Complete Rabbit food. When I read the ingredients of KTC and Oxbow pellets, they are not too much different. KTC might have a slightly higher fat content, but not bad at all. Of course, this is just rabbit food. Is KTC chin food really bad? It is a timothy hay based diet without any treats. I am just curious.
I believe it is more the poor quality of Kaytee ingredients, not only the nutritional analysis that makes Kaytee a cruddy food.
Thanks for the advice everyone. From everything I have read about pellets, Oxbow is the way to go. I will just switch him cold turkey. I know Kaytee is not very healthy. I will stock up on pro-biotics too :) I appreciate everyone's input!

I had to bump this topic again! So I tried switching Kunya to Oxbow from Kaytee Timothy Complete cold turkey...he is not touching the Oxbow so I mixed half/half together and he eats the Kaytee and leaves the Oxbow. I can tell because they are different colored pellets. What should I do? Any suggestions?


Oh he is eating his Oxbow Timothy Hay and LOVES that!