Super lame 21st birthday...

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
I don't really have any right to complain, but I feel like venting anyway.

Today I turned 21... and last week had made plans with several friends to go out tonight to dinner and then to the square (the area off campus where the bars are). I've never really been a bar person... I'd much rather hang with friends at home, but it's my 21st birthday so I figured I should go and enjoy it at least once. Even this morning, several people wished me a happy birthday and commented on being ready for tonight.

I was already a little bummed, because I never really felt like I fit in at this school and while I have a ton of friends through ROTC, there aren't that many who I hang out with outside of that and the ones that I do chill with are freshmen. A lot of them went home for the Easter break too... and outside of ROTC I only really have a handful of friends I hang out with. Several of them didn't want to go out tonight because they have to get up super early (like, 2am), so I understood that. A few others went home for Easter. That left us with 4 of us to go out... kind of lame but its whatever.

Well about 4 hours before we were supposed to leave, one of the girls texted me and said she couldn't make it tonight. A couple hours after that, one of the other girls texted me and said that she also would not be able to make it. That left my roommate and I. I was super bummed. We went out to dinner and I ordered a drink so that I could send my parents the "first legal drink" photo, and then went and got ice cream. I decided I didn't want to go out tonight anymore. I'm now laying in bed watching tv and thinking about going back to studying. I'm not upset about not going out to drink and celebrate, but it's just disappointing that I was looking forward to spending the night with friends having fun and that didn't happen.

It's nights like this where I wish I was at the school I almost transferred to, with all of my friends. I really miss the closeness that I have with them.
Well, the good news is that you won't have a killer hangover and poop fire for a week because you tried to drink 21 shots of tequila!!! (Like ME!!!) :)

:HBwhistle: Happy, Happy 21st Birthday to YOU, Ann!!! :HBwhistle:
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I hear ya on lame 21st birthdays. I was heavily medicated because I broke my wrist 2 days prior and had a plate and nine screws put in the day before. No celebrating for me!

I figure I'll make up for it next year when I turn 25!

Happy 21st!
sorry to hear your night didn't turn out the way you had planned :(

my 29th birthday was an absolute bummer too. i had been talking with friends for a couple weeks beforehand, making plans to get together with everyone, throwing ideas around for what to do, and everyone was all gung ho to go out and celebrate. come early evening, just as i was about to get ready to go out for my bday, EVERYONE bailed on me. yep, everyone. one friend said 'well, i'll come meet up with you once you are out and about'. i wasn't about to go out by myself and then hope to meet up with just one person to celebrate. ended up changing into pajamas and doing water changes/maintenance on my fish tanks instead. what a fun way to celebrate the last bday of my 20's. ugh.