Stroke or Seizure? Something happened

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Aug 4, 2010
Brighton, MA
Today when Sadie had playtime, she was playing like usual and then suddenly I witnessed just her left ear fold back. Then I watched as the left side of her body stopped working, and then it progressed to her entire body, like all of her muscles just collapsed. She was laying on her belly and sort of scooting around a bit, and when I picked her up she just felt completely limp in my hands.

It took her about 5 min once she was resting in her cage to appear somewhat normal, and another 15 min before she was hopping around her cage again.

This isn't the first time I've seen her limp and flat on her belly (I've seen her do that 10 or so times after playtime) but it was the first time I witnessed the entire incident of what happened. She's done it even after being out to play for as short as 10 minutes. It wasn't warm, and today she was playing for about 20 min before this happened.

She's always eaten and drank fine and hasn't lost any weight. Anyone know what this was?

I have noticed that this last year she has been less energetic, especially at play time. She sort of wanders and hops around, instead of sprinting and bouncing off the walls like my other chins do.
It can be a seizure but I don't want to scare you it could also be heart trouble, especially when you state the chin is less energetic, next time the chin goes to the vet, have the vet listen to the heart.
How much longer did your chin live, Godforgods? Is it the type of thing that progresses quickly? Should she be euthanized before things get really bad for her or might she still be okay for awhile? Poor girl :( She definitely is not a happy chin, she is angry all the time, in or out of her cage. Seems very stressed out all of the time and always begging to be let out, but does not even enjoy the time she spends out playing. She just wanders around looking for an escape, does not play (sprint around and bounce off the walls) like my other chins. She occasionally lets me scratch her head but that's about it. I rescued her 3 years ago so do not know much about her history.
Put to sleep, he was not put to sleep for the heart issue-what was going on could have been treated but he had malocclusion so with that issue and having to be put under for treatments, it would have not been sustainable.
How much longer did your chin live, Godforgods? Is it the type of thing that progresses quickly? Should she be euthanized before things get really bad for her or might she still be okay for awhile? Poor girl :( She definitely is not a happy chin, she is angry all the time, in or out of her cage. Seems very stressed out all of the time and always begging to be let out, but does not even enjoy the time she spends out playing. She just wanders around looking for an escape, does not play (sprint around and bounce off the walls) like my other chins. She occasionally lets me scratch her head but that's about it. I rescued her 3 years ago so do not know much about her history.

Well like i said, i cant say what is wrong with your chin specifically. But my guy, Chico, was passed around from owner to owner before i got him, so i don't know anything about his history either.

For chico, after i got him a cage mate SHE eventually ended up having a kits. First a boy, then by the time i found out it was too late and she was pregnant again and had two girls later. - After which i separated them. All boy cage and all girl cage.

Chico, like most men, wanted nothing else but to get back to his girl. One incident with him was when i had the girl out to play. He saw her from inside his cage and went crazy trying to get out and get to her. He got so worked up that he started having problems. It looked like half his body had failed him.

So i had to make sure he could never lay eyes on a girl again. And as long as he doesn't see them, he is perfectly fine. Its been a few years since that and he hasn't had any more issues that ive seen regarding this. He is alive and well. Friendliest of all 5 of my chins.