Silly question, but what is the strangest place you have found chin poop?

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2011
Renton, Wa
Was climbing into bed after getting daughter off to school and of course visiting my chins and found chin poop lying next to my pillow. My chin room is downstairs at the opposite corner of the house. Someone must have pooped on my hair from the upper cage while I had my head in the lower oine. Ewwwww!
I find chinchilla poop in my shoes all the time my boyfriend always yells about that. But he should know not to keep his shoes by Chico cause she pushes all her poop out of the cage.

That's great I have never had chinchilla poop in my bra... I know now that I'll probably find it there now.
I found some in the freezer the other day!!! I'm wondering if while I was gone last week my bf let the boys out for too long and either a) had to freeze chillers and they came off of those or b) he had one or more chin in the freezer. I haven't gotten any answers out of him about it. I'm hoping it's the chillers, but usually they go into a gallon ziplock before they go in the freezer, so maybe he skipped that step.
I was holding Joey chin and my son brought me a brownie, I saw a brownie crumb in my bra and popped it in my mouth, this one was chin poop flavor
I find poop in my pants pockets every day, it's not helpfull that I keep my vitamins in my pocket and when I take them out I always have to remove the poops before popping them in my mouth :p
I found chin poop in my new apartment before I moved Gus in lol must've traveled on something
My mother somehow managed to find chinnie poo in her drink! I dont know how that got there, ewww! :vomit: She didn't drink it, of course! Good thing she noticed it!
I've only had her for three days, and I found one in my bed last night. This doesn't bode well for it staying where it is expected to be. LOL
It isn't a strange "place to find poo" story, but it is a strange poo story - I was cleaning up after play time and went to grab a stray one, and it crawled away - it was a beetle! I almost had a heart attack. I've been a little more careful since then...funny that poo doesn't bother me but a bug sure does!
Several plces, in my hair, my bra, in a shirt pocket.Grossest place was in my ear. I do not EVEN want to know how that got there.
Just got my chin

I haven't had him long, but so far, the only weirdest place I have found his poop is in the crevice of a picture frame :S
Some of those stories are hilarious though, I may check everything for chin poop now just in case ._.
I remember when a member was at a restaurant and while paying the bill a poo flipped out of her wallet onto the table in front of a waiter!
My bed, on the sofa, in my dog's bed, on my dog's bathroom area, etc. I also found places where he peed on the carpet in my room.

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