Signs of fur having been damp around eye

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Active member
Sep 14, 2014
I have a 13 year old female chinchilla. I noticed the fur around her eye was a little darker than normal and looks like it may have been damp. I felt the area around her eye and it does not feel damp or wet.

I took some photos. One photo looks like she is squinting really bad but its just a photo that she is blinking from the flash. She is not squinting like this normally.

Does this look like enough of a concern to take a trip to the vet?



Hi Scottf,

Is she eating, drinking, and behaving like normal? Sometimes chinchillas' eyes will get irritated from things like bedding or their dust baths and it will clear up on it's own. Since you said you touched it and it wasn't damp that makes me think her eye got irritated, her body flushed it out, and the dark spot is just kind of like a stained piece of fur.

However, if she seems to be acting differently and it gets worst over the next couple of days it could be a sign of infection or teeth issues. Chins can also catch eye infections from humans (conjunctivas).

I think she should be fine, but keeping an eye on her won't hurt :)
I would keep a close eye on her. If it doesnt improve in a day or 2 i would go to the vet. She could have anything from an eye infection to the beginning of malo. Every once in a while they get things in their eyes and they water. It normally clears up within a few hours. If this doesnt please look for a vet.
thank you for responding. she is behaving otherwise normal. no problems eating and not being lethargic or anything It is starting to look more normal. I have felt the area again several times and still don't feel any dampness. I think you my be right she got poked and her eye watered a bit. I will keep an eye on it and if it still looks funny or gets worse I will take her for a vet visit.
I can not tell if the spot is still getting moist but it has not gone back to normal so I made an appointment with a vet tomorrow. Wish us luck
The vet thinks she got a poke in the eye and it got more irritated and she has scratched it. Its possible a minor infection has set in and she has been prescribed eye drops of antibiotic and also anti inflammatory for 10 days

Good news is her teeth checked out and she has not respiratory infection symptoms so this should hopefully be all set with the eye drops.
Glad she's okay! One of my mosaics has chronic tear duct issues; but it's always great to clear teeth issues with the vet :)
Yes I am releived it is not teeth or something more serious. She is fairly cooperative getting the drops in but still a little squirmy. I use the towl trick to wrap her up but she does fight to get out, hope she gets used to it over the next 10 days.
I wanted to follow up the eye looks great. I followed the vet instructions and gave her two types of eye drops twice a day for 10 days and its been about 3 weeks since her last drops and there is no sign of the damp fur around the eye. Yeay! Thank you so much for everyone that helped.

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