sassy >:(

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sassy has recently began to burrow underneath her liner and scoot around under there until she's demolished her whole cage.

they have an igloo with a bag in it, a house with fleece strips in it, and a large pvc pipe and an oatmeal container with fleece strips in it. so shes got things to burrow in.

she started doing it suddenly and will NOT stop. cheezit hasnt done it yet and i really dont want her to pick up on it. sassy is driving me CRAZY with it. :banghead: :hair:

what can i do to help make her stop?
Hi...hate to tell you this but Thistle does that as well, and has for years. Apparently she prefers cold plastic to warm fleecy homes...I haven't been able to figure out how to make her stop but figure if she's happy then ok! I have about 1/4 of the cage covered in carefresh and 3/4 in liners and I just moved her waterdish to the carefresh so she doesn't knock it over nightly...good luck!
I agree with thistle's mom. You could try to fight it by velco-ing stuff down, but it's easier to adapt to your hedgie's behaviors... however silly they may be ;)
Yep, burrowing is natural hedgie behavior. Hard to fight nature. Mine burrow as well...I've put a digging box with fleece strips in the cage and my girls have never used it. Maybe you could try putting a small fleece blanket in the oatmeal container or a digging box instead of the strips?