ryerson ordering issues and carrier question

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
North Liberty, IA
Anyone have trouble with the online order page? I added to cart, calculated shipping, hit next step and it says it needs shipping info. There's nowhere to add shipping info.

Also can anyone give me the dimensions of the smaller carriers. I can't place cages next to each other due to space contraints so I'm looking for something I can remove the dividers and place inside my critter nation to introduce a new chin or 2 I'm getting in Oct. Otherwise I'm getting the large single compartment cage off bass which I believe is 14x18x10"h. It has a wire floor though that I'd have to remove or cover.
cage suggestion

I know this is old but figured others might be "cruising" like I was. You might check for rabbit shows in the area. Many of the vendors supply Bass or similar cages or make cages and you will save the shipping and many times can get custom cages. Having shown rabbits for years when I decided to raise chinchillas I designed my cages to allow for me to seperate them. Makes it very easy to bond or to seperate a member of a colony while still keeping them bonded. Cages are similar construction to Bass, etc.

Oh and no they don't have wire bottoms (figured someone would think that when they saw rabbit :). Check American Rabbit Breeders Association website for a listing of shows in your area (very common compared to chin shows). If you have a 4H rabbitgroup in the school system they may be able to help you also.