Rounded corners/edges???

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2009
Irvine, CA
I've seen so many really nice looking ledges sold here with rounded corners and edges. Could someone please tell me how to make them rounded? What kind of tools are needed? Thanks! ;)
Just sand the corner a little, its not really rounded but not sharp at all
The easiest way is with a router and a corner bit.

You can also cut the corner at a 45 degree angle and use a rasp file to round them by hand.
The best way to get the rounded edges, like Zach said, is with a router. You can buy different bits for different edging effects.
I just sanded the corners on a house I made. Like said above,you could also use a router or cut the wood a little and the sand it.
Dremel... Why didn't I think of that? I believe I have one in my garage somewhere. Will definitely dig it out. Thanks! :thumbsup:
Dremel! I knew dremil didn't look right.

They can be used for so many different things and only cost around $20. They rock!
You can now buy sanding discs for a drill - use 80 or 120 grit for wood.
I always found if you use a coin and a pencil to make a guide, it'll make things easier and a better job!!
Dremels are only $20? Wow, I might just buy a new one if I can't find the old one. I am going to look for the sanding discs for the drills cuz I have two drills at home.

Going to the hardware store after work... I am already thinking about what wood projects I can make for my chins... :idea: Thanks!