Rice pops?

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Apr 25, 2012
Baltimore, MD
I'm wondering what Petsmart treats and toys are best for chinchillas. My chinchilla Boromir loves rice pops but I've been giving him small pieces of a rice pop once a day. He absolutely loves them but I'm concerned because of all the starch. Any suggestions?
Unfortunately Petsmart doesn't carry much that are actually safe for chinchillas. Under the classifieds section on the forum, you will find that there are quite a few members that makes toys and treats that are chinchilla safe. They love/need wood sticks/toys to chew on. Cheerios, plain shredded wheat, rosehips, chin herbal salad mixes, chin cookies are all ok to give sparingly.
One thing I get from Petsmart are these willow twigs: http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4193660

My chins go through a bag a week and love them. Sometimes I buy them online from Dr. Foster's and Smiths.

Also, the Nut Knot Nibbler is okay IF you remove the nut

My guys love these willow twigs as well. Also the apple wood they have.

What is wrong with the nut in the knot nibbler?.....I never even thought of that. luckily my guys didn't care for it so I always took it out after they got it out. Good to know to defiantly take it before just incase.
He loves his willow twigs! Especially the willow balls that come in a tangle. I also gave him a toy once, but he tossed the nut outside of his cage. Good thing!
Chins shouldn't have nuts, at least that's what I've heard. My hamster is a lucky girl though, she always gets the nut when Che is finished with her toy!