Rather Large Poop?

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2011

I have had my two little chins for about two months now and at first their poop was really small and today when I went to clean out their cage I noticed that it had doubled in size.
I'm not sure if that is normal or not? It used to be really small thin little pieces and now it is rather large and it isn't very thin. To compare it to something they look like giants red ants that only come out in the summer time.

I don't know if I should bring them to a vet to get them checked out or is it normal for their poop to grow three sizes over night?
It's not hard like it usually is. It is soft but not enough to crumble in your hands. Kind of moist. Is it because I changed them over from their original food to the food that I buy for them?
I went from the Purina Show Chow to a Timothy Brand of food.
If the poop is not mushy or sticky, then the chinchilla is probably just fine. The change in feed is probably what caused it.
I switched them to the Timothy Brand. That is all they have in petstores near me. I don't want to buy a 50 lb bag of Purina Show Chow when I only have two chins and it would take me at least a year or two to finish the bag and by that time the nutrishion in the bag would be gone.
It is a Timothy Brand food, just like the hay. It is regular chinchilla/rabbit pellets that has little pieces of hay in it.
I found out that my local PetSmart sells the Mazuri Chinchilla food and I know quite a few people on here use that food. So I am going to start using that instead of the Timothy Brand of food.
so this 'Timothy Brand' is made by Kaytee? (all i could find on google by searching 'timothy brand chinchilla food was kaytee).

good idea to switch to mazuri. if the 'timothy brand' is kaytee, kaytee is known to not make very good quality products for our fuzzbutts.

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