question about ebony genetics

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So is there no way to kind of predict what you will get from certain eb pairings or is it a complete crap shoot? Do certain pairs produce consistently the same phases? What other traits do ebs tend to pass along?
I have found some lines have more of a tendency to produce towards certain traits, both good and bad! Off color and weak fur are among the top problems I have seen with ebs, especially in the dark and X dark phases. Size can be another. Color phase seems to me to be the biggest crap shoot, I just never seem to know what I will find for babies when it comes to color phase out of ebs.
I've noticed the same as JAGS, the weak fur and off color can sometimes seem to be a problem trait thrown by a specific line or pairing. The darker the phase, the harder it is to get a really good color animal too.

Just like any other genetics, it seems impossible to predict the phase of ebony you're going to get... one litter can throw you a number of different color ebonies!
Just today I had a dark tan mom and med eb male throw a standard female and light tan male...was hoping for darker but chins are like a box of chocolates and ya just never know what you are gonna In the end as long as they are healthy I am content with that...
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