Prepping Wood..

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2010
I checked the master prep wood stickie and did NOT see my answer...

How soon after cutting must the wood be prepped? After doing some reading/thinking I parents have an apple tree. I confirmed that it's never been sprayed. Dear ol dad went and cut a bunch down for me today and is shipping it to me tomorrow.

How soon do I HAVE to prep it?..

And I'm guessing the exact type of apple tree doesn't really matter?....we always called it a dwarf apple tree (I know that's not the exact name..)....their more baking type apples that are produced...(Does make a yummy pie) But as for eating not so much. LOL..

To those who drill holes in the wood for toys, do you do that after baking or prior?..

I have a box that has been sitting for a few months after I cut it and I still haven't prepped it. It gives it a chance to dry out a bit and cuts down on the baking time I think but this is only my first time doing it. I did a big batch and haven't had a chance to finish prepping the other bundle. I drilled holes after baking because I didn't know which ones I wanted to drill.
I don't prep any wood, never have. It takes a log of applewood a full three years to cure completely - eg, reach it's maximum hardness. Until then it is susceptible to molds if it gets damp. Smaller sticks would get there faster of course.

If you're washing it and such you'll want to do it right after cutting as it is easier to get the lichen off. Otherwise it doesn't really matter when you do it.
Ha, I knew they should have waited until we come out later in the month to cut it. I planned on doing it all at their place immediately following cutting.

Oh well. I'll get started on washing as soon as it gets in tomorrow. Thanks.
Well well....I must say that I have a new found respect for those who constantly prep wood. My hats off to those individuals.

That being said, my first batch finished a little while ago. And my boys love it. I'm cheap so I guess so long as they like it, I'll just prep myself to save some $$ LOL :)

Dad sent some thicker trunks (1-2inches diameter) If I were to make coins out of those is it better to cut prior to baking? I'd guess so since I'd want to wash them again right?
Really!? Learn something new everyday!!

Guess I'll stock up in December. lol :)

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